The Miss Berbice ‘I’m a Big Deal’ Pageant has kicked off its second edition and will be sashing ten contestants from across the county next Saturday, October 20, on the lawns of State House in New Amsterdam.
At the recent launch, producer Royston Drakes shared that the concept behind the pageant is to create role models as well as empower women from all walks of life and prepare them to take up leadership roles in their various communities and the country as a whole. The organization has widened its search this year and has seen girls coming from all corners of Berbice. The I’m a Big Deal Pageant is going beyond the glitz and glam is hoping that their community ventures are impactful on the people they would meet.
Royston, who hails from Berbice, conceptualised the pageant as a way of giving back and educating the community. The team has since been doing cleanup exercises, hospital visitations, assisting cancer survivors and many other activities often in collaboration with the police, other security services and businesses. It is their way of making big deal when it comes to humanitarian work and the unity of Berbice.
Next week’s sashing will be the official introduction of the contestants to Guyana, but this week The Scene gives a glimpse of them. This year’s contestants are – Omeica Bindah, Keba Henry, Amesha Ramkishun, Cintiana Harry, Serona Joseph, Jamace Hinds, Natoya Rawlins, Julieanna Clinket, Priya Anjiloi and Rameshwarie Jairam.
Omeica Bindah – Omeica is the youngest contestant at 16 years old and is a student at Corentyne Comprehensive High School. She hails from Adventure Village on the Corentyne. She already has her mind set on becoming and entrepreneur and running her own business. Her platform will find her engaging on Suicide Awareness and Prevention. She enjoys singing, dancing, reading novels and interacting with her peers. Her favourite quote is; “Don’t downgrade your dreams to just fit your reality. Upgrade your conviction to match your destiny.”
Keba Henry – This 18-year-old hails from Glasgow Housing Scheme in New Amsterdam. She aspires to pursue a career in Civil Engineering. Keba is fond of reading and exploring nature. She will be highlighting Cyber Bullying for her platform. Her favourite quote is: “We lose ourselves in books; we find ourselves in them too.”
Amesha Ramkishun – At 18 years old Amesha aspires to be a nurse and has chosen for her platform, Teenage Pregnancy Awareness and Prevention. This Blairmont teen loves to read, dance and sing. She believes in the quote: “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement, but nothing can be done without hope and confidence.”
Cintianna Harry – A typist/clerk, 26-year-old Cintianna hails from Kilcoy Chesney Housing Scheme in Corentyne. She has a knack for writing stories and poems and telling stories and enjoys reading and making new friends. She loves the William Shakespeare quote: “Beauty lives with kindness.” Her platform focuses on Fighting Poverty.
Serona Joseph – Serona is a 23-year-old student who is studying social work at the University of Guyana’s Institute of Distance and Continuing Education. Serona hails from Fort Ordnance Housing Scheme in East Canje, Berbice. Her favourite quote is: “Not everything that counts can be counted and not everything that is counted truly counts,” which is attributed to Albert Einstein. She loves reaching out to people in need and is excited that her platform on Drug Abuse Awareness allows her
to do so.
Jamace Hinds – At 17 years old, Jamace is a student at the New Amsterdam Technical Institute (NATI). She comes from the beautiful village of Caracas in West Canje, Berbice. This aspiring plumber finds pleasure in dancing, swimming, travelling and reading. She lives on the hope of the quote – “Today was good but tomorrow would be better.” She will using her platform to highlight Domestic Violence.
Natoya Rawlins – The 18-year-old junior librarian comes from the village of Springlands in Skeldon. Her favourite quote is: “Accept no one’s definition of your life; define yourself.” Her platform will be looking at Education. She has fond interest in going on tours, meeting new and interesting people, reading and indulging in nature.
Julieanna Clinket – Coming from the village of Belvedere in Corentyne, 17-year-old Julieanna enjoys reading, listening to music and socializing. This aspiring accountant will be using her platform to highlight Child Abuse. She believes in the quote – “If you want something, work hard and you will achieve it; there are no shortcuts.”
Priya Anjiloi – “Be a girl with a mind, a lady with attitude and a woman with class,” is Priya’s quote to live by. At 17, she is a cosmetologist who hails from the village of Miss Phoebe in Port Mourant. Her platform will be focusing on School Dropouts. Priya enjoys doing makeup, browsing the internet, socializing and cooking.
Rameshwarie Jairam – Twenty-four-year-old Information Technology student and aspiring teacher, Rameshwarie is from the village of Islington, East Bank Berbice. Her platform will be on Women Empowerment. She loves the Oscar Wilde quote – “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” This young woman enjoys reading, dancing and socializing.
After being sashed, the contestants will appear in the Swimsuit and Pool Competition on Saturday November 17, at the Skeldon Resort. There will be a costume extravaganza and mini carnival the next day. The carnival take to the public road, leaving from the Rose Hall Primary School. The team will also host a family fun day and fair as well as launch Berbice’s first commercial magazine on Wednesday November 21, at the All Saint’s Ground in New Amsterdam.
Andy Henry, who will be spearheading the launch of the magazine, shared that its main objectives are to motivate, inspire, educate and entertain and empower youths. It will showcase Berbice in particular: the people, their talents, the places and cuisines. He invited persons who have just started small businesses to take the opportunity of making use of the magazine.
The Miss Berbice ‘I’m a Big Deal’ Pageant made its debut last November and 18-year-old Farah Valentina Bates bested 11 of her peers in what was said to be a stiff competition.
This year’s pageant is slated for November 24, at the Albion Sports Complex.
Tickets are available at Office Express, Benjamin’s Bakery, Sparkles Supermarket, Furniture World, Candy Shop and Munchies.