Caribbean Air­lines do­mes­tic flights still dis­rupt­ed in Trinidad

(TRINIDAD GUARDIAN) More Caribbean Air­lines do­mes­tic flights con­tin­ue to be dis­rupt­ed by the ad­verse weath­er con­di­tions at both Pi­ar­co and Arthur NR Robin­son In­ter­na­tion­al Air­ports.

Pas­sen­gers try­ing to get to the air­port in Trinidad have been un­able to pass through flood­ed routes.

Caribbean Air­lines, in a state­ment ear­li­er to­day, said all af­fect­ed pas­sen­gers are be­ing ac­com­mo­dat­ed on al­ter­na­tive flights.

In ad­di­tion, the air­line said it will be­gin to op­er­ate a jet ser­vice from 1.45 pm to­day to clear the back­log of pas­sen­gers.

The af­fect­ed do­mes­tic flights which have been can­celled are:


  • 1502: Trinidad to To­ba­go
  • 1503: To­ba­go to Trinidad
  • 1506: Trinidad to To­ba­go
  • 1507: To­ba­go to Trinidad
  • 1526: Trinidad to To­ba­go
  • 1527: To­ba­go to Trinidad
  • 1530: Trinidad to To­ba­go
  • 1531: To­ba­go to Trinidad
  • 1536: Trinidad to To­ba­go
  • 1537: To­ba­go to Trinidad

Caribbean Air­lines thanked its val­ued cus­tomers for their pa­tience and un­der­stand­ing. Pas­sen­gers af­fect­ed by the can­cel­la­tions are be­ing re-ac­com­mo­dat­ed on oth­er do­mes­tic ser­vices.

To min­imise in­con­ve­nience to cus­tomers hold­ing con­firmed tick­ets for trav­el dur­ing the pe­ri­od Oc­to­ber 19 – Oc­to­ber 23, 2018, Caribbean Air­lines is al­low­ing per­sons whose trav­el plans are im­pact­ed by the ad­verse weath­er to re­book with­out the $50 change fee, sub­ject to the fol­low­ing con­di­tions:

  1. Waiv­er of all fees for tick­ets re­booked in the same cab­in, for trav­el up to Oc­to­ber 23, 2018.
  2. It is manda­to­ry that cus­tomers con­tact Caribbean Air­lines be­fore the sched­uled date of trav­el.
  3. Full re­fund of fare paid, for trav­el up to Oc­to­ber 23, 2018. The re­fund must be re­quest­ed by Oc­to­ber 23, 2018.
  4. ALL changes must be made through Caribbean Air­lines Call Cen­tres or at Caribbean Air­lines Tick­et Of­fices
  5. Caribbean Air­lines will not be re­spon­si­ble for arrange­ments or trans­porta­tion to/from an al­ter­nate air­port or ho­tel/overnight ex­pens­es in­curred by af­fect­ed pas­sen­gers.

Cus­tomers are ad­vised to vis­it www.caribbean-air­ and check their flight sta­tus be­fore go­ing to the air­port or call the Caribbean Air­lines Call Cen­tres for fur­ther de­tails.

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