Some Hindus in Trinidad face dark Diwali after recent flooding

Asha Ali shows her damaged furniture caused by floods on Neeranjan Street, Sangre Grande, last month.
Asha Ali shows her damaged furniture caused by floods on Neeranjan Street, Sangre Grande, last month.

(Trinidad Guardian) Diwali in­volves a host of cus­toms, one of which is the ex­ten­sive clean­ing of homes and sur­round­ings. But this year, with the rav­ages of re­cent floods, many Hin­dus are find­ing it dif­fi­cult to clean.

Some of the peo­ple who lost all of their pos­ses­sions have no mon­ey to cel­e­brate Diwali and many say they have no choice but to scale down their fes­tiv­i­ties.

At Debe Trace, Gan­gadie Gan­gaper­sad said she usu­al­ly lights 20 dozen deyas around her home but this year all she could af­ford was three dozen.

Her daugh­ter Resh­ma Bachan said they al­so plan to light up their porch in the event of rain or floods. “We are al­so cook­ing our own roti this year be­cause last year we had to wade through floods to get the roti we or­dered,” Bachan added.

She said the Oc­to­ber floods had left many ar­eas in ru­ins and some felt Diwali 2018 was turn­ing out to be one of the most de­press­ing Diwalis in re­cent times.

Bas­so Singh, of North Oropouche, said Diwali was not shap­ing up to be a hap­py cel­e­bra­tion for her fam­i­ly and many of her neigh­bours who ex­pe­ri­enced the floods of Oc­to­ber 19-21.

“We have tried to clean up as best as we could. Flood wa­ter could have cov­ered me be­low our house. We had to throw away our fridge, wardrobe, stove and couch,” Singh told Guardian Me­dia.

“We pack up every­thing by the road­side and peo­ple came and took it. Maybe they have bet­ter use of it. We do not have enough mon­ey to buy the things we usu­al­ly buy so I am just mak­ing lit­tle amounts of food for when my chil­dren come to vis­it.”

At Fish­ing Pond Vil­lage in San­gre Grande, Sav­it­ri Phillip said al­though she was not a Hin­du, there could be no cel­e­bra­tion at her home be­cause of her loss­es.

Deokie Mahabir hangs clothes at her home in Harripaul Village, Debe, on Saturday. Also in the picture are her children Arien and Marlin.

At Har­ri­paul Vil­lage, Pic­ton, wid­ow De­ok­ie Ma­habir and her chil­dren al­so pre­dict­ed a dis­mal Diwali.

Ma­habir said her home flood­ed sev­er­al times this year be­cause the rivers and drains sur­round­ing her com­mu­ni­ty were in need of clean­ing.

“To make mat­ters worse, some­one broke in­to my house and stole my jew­ellery and even my gas tank. They took my food card and when I went back to the Min­istry of So­cial Wel­fare they told me I have to wait un­til next year March to get as­sis­tance. I de­pend on the food card to buy gro­ceries so we can­not re­al­ly buy much for Diwali,” Ma­habir said.

Her youngest chil­dren, aged nine and 12, are still at­tend­ing school.

At Gopie Trace, Pe­nal, res­i­dents said there will be no tra­di­tion­al street light up this year. Usu­al­ly, lanterns are strung across both sides of the streets and parsad is dis­trib­uted to mo­torists who vis­it to see the lights.

How­ev­er, Shan­ta Sam­path, of the Ra­has Man­dal Cul­tur­al Group, not­ed that their pun­dit, Ram­lakhan Soor­jan, died this year so they de­cid­ed not to light the streets out of re­spect for him.

To­co/San­gre Grande Re­gion­al Cor­po­ra­tion chair­man Ter­ry Ron­don said in his area many Hin­dus were al­so find­ing it dif­fi­cult to clean up in time for the Diwali fes­tiv­i­ties. He said the cor­po­ra­tion was al­so not cel­e­brat­ing Diwali this year but in­stead us­ing the mon­ey that would have been chan­neled to this ac­tiv­i­ty to or­gan­ise clean-up in all com­mu­ni­ties.

“In San­gre Grande we have a lot of Hin­dus and we sup­port our Hin­du broth­ers and sis­ters,” Ron­don said.

“We are con­cen­trat­ing on clean-up and san­i­tiz­ing. We have stopped giv­ing food, wa­ter and cloth­ing. We are work­ing around the clock to clean up for Diwali. That is the lev­el of re­spect we have for our Hin­du fam­i­ly.”

He ex­plained that the ma­jor ar­eas in need of clean-up were North Oropouche, Ve­ga De Oropouche, Coalmine, Lemond and South San­gre Grande.

On Sat­ur­day, Ron­don said a mo­bile phar­ma­cy head­ed by Dr Vi­jai Bha­ga­loo went through­out the area of­fer­ing as­sis­tance to hun­dreds of peo­ple.

Mean­while, Navin Kalpoo, from Ibis Tours, said he was dis­heart­ened by the amount of de­bris still stacked in many of the flood-strick­en ar­eas.

“The cor­po­ra­tion has their hands full. I am hop­ing that con­trac­tors can come out and help with the clean-ups,” Kalpoo said.

“Many peo­ple have stacked their ru­ined ap­pli­ances out­side their homes. As a Hin­du, I know the im­por­tance of clean­li­ness around Diwali so I am hop­ing that more peo­ple can help.”

He added that ar­eas most in need of clean-up were Kel­ly Vil­lage, Sie­u­nar­ine Trace, Laun­dry Road and Madras Road, St He­le­na.

Kalpoo al­so said his team planned to do­nate at least 30 ham­pers with Diwali gro­ceries to flood-strick­en fam­i­lies.

“When we as­sist­ed fam­i­lies we did not take in­for­ma­tion about their re­li­gion so we have to go back in­to the com­mu­ni­ties and see who is most de­serv­ing,” Kalpoo said.

He al­so said that it was sad that Diwali was on­ly two days away and many res­i­dents were still in a dark hole.

The sig­nif­i­cance of clean­li­ness at Diwali

Hin­dus thor­ough­ly clean their homes, spruce up the paint jobs and fur­ni­ture and wear new clothes for Diwali.

It is a com­mon be­lief that God­dess Lak­sh­mi, the God­dess of wealth and for­tune, vis­its clean homes dur­ing this fes­tive pe­ri­od and be­stows health, wealth and pros­per­i­ty to the fam­i­lies. Diwali al­so marks the last day of the “King Vikram” cal­en­dar, so the day af­ter Diwali is said to be the be­gin­ning of the new year for some Hin­dus, who tra­di­tion­al­ly mark the new year by get­ting rid of dirt and old junk.