Accommodating disorder for ‘The Season’

-Power and suffering at Christmas-Time

Could it be my age? Or  my self-imposed generational non-acceptance of lawlessness and disorder in the name of `Chrissmuss’, that makes me frequently crotchety during this month?

Okay, I’ve long accepted that rampant commercialism now attends this still- (?) Christian celebration of the Virgin Birth of the Child who, as an adult, was regarded as a Messiah (Protector/Deliverer), because he was anointed.  Hence the title “Christ”.  Incidentally, He didn’t actually tell anyone to name himself or herself “Christian”.  A walk around Georgetown, Linden, New Amsterdam would never reflect any consideration of the sentiments mentioned earlier in this paragraph. All one experiences is rampant commercialism. Often exploitative.

It developed because Christians regard the Birth of Jesus as mankind’s Greatest “Gift”. So the merchants worldwide exploit the “gift-giving”. It’s buy-buy-buy to give, to receive, to make money! The true sentiments easily escape celebrants – thousands not even Christian. In Georgetown, our cramped capital,  it’s commercial chaos! I know these lamentations will fall on deaf municipal ears. After all, I’ll be told it’s just for “de Season”. The hundreds of vendors deserve a year-end bonanza(?).