Trinidad: Pregnant woman killed days before due date

Danielle Year­wood
Danielle Year­wood

(Trinidad Guardian) Danielle Year­wood was al­most nine months preg­nant when she, her un­born son and the child’s fa­ther were mur­dered in Waller­field on Mon­day af­ter­noon.

Year­wood, 19, and hus­band Ri­car­do “Mamoo” Daloo left their home at La Pla­ta Gar­dens, Va­len­cia, ear­li­er that day so she could un­der­go her fi­nal ul­tra­sound when they were at­tacked by gun­men in Waller­fied around 4 pm.

When a news team from the T&T Guardian vis­it­ed the cou­ple’s home al­most 24 hours af­ter the in­ci­dent, rel­a­tives were still try­ing to piece to­geth­er what had tran­spired.

Danielle Year­wood and her hus­band Ri­car­do Daloo

“The po­lice were not help­ful. They ran us when we want­ed to see the bod­ies and did not give us any in­for­ma­tion. I need­ed to see be­cause it still feels sur­re­al,” Year­wood’s sis­ter said as she ex­plained she and oth­er rel­a­tives on­ly learned of the in­ci­dent on so­cial me­dia.

She crit­i­cised the un­named per­son who post­ed a gris­ly pho­to of the cou­ple af­ter they had been shot sev­er­al times.

“Who does that? Don’t they care how the fam­i­ly feels?” she asked, as she al­so called on po­lice to be more sen­si­tive to vic­tims’ fam­i­lies at crime scenes.

Year­wood’s rel­a­tives al­so ques­tioned whether more could have been done by po­lice to save the cou­ple’s un­born ba­by, whom they had al­ready planned to name Rishard Akim Daloo.

“She got shot in her head and the bod­ies were on the scene for three hours. We don’t know if they could have saved the ba­by if they had got­ten rushed to hos­pi­tal,” one of Year­wood’s male rel­a­tives said.

Year­wood’s fam­i­ly said she was ex­cit­ed for the ba­by to be born af­ter she found out she was preg­nant less than a year ago.

The rel­a­tives were clear­ly emo­tion­al as they spoke of Year­wood and the ba­by while still sur­round­ed by dec­o­ra­tions and gifts that were used for her re­cent ba­by show­er.

“She al­ready loved that ba­by. As soon as she found out she bought a set of wa­ter and fruits to eat healthy,” one rel­a­tive said.

“Up to the night be­fore she was paint­ing the bed­room for when the ba­by born,” one sob­bing rel­a­tive added.

Year­wood’s rel­a­tives de­scribed her as kind and lov­ing, as they said her pas­sions in­clud­ed fash­ion and make-up.

“She was very kind. She gave a neigh­bour one of her dress­es and did her make-up for her just go to her grad­u­a­tion,” Year­wood’s cousin said.

Year­wood had re­cent­ly ob­tained her as­so­ciate de­gree in hu­man re­source man­age­ment and was plan­ning on re­turn­ing to her job at Pen­ny­wise Cos­met­ics af­ter her ba­by was born.

“Our mom died when she was 13 and she start­ed work­ing in Pol­lo Trop­i­cal when she was 16. She al­ways liked to work,” her sis­ter said.

Daloo’s friends and rel­a­tives, who were al­so present, sug­gest­ed that he was set up to be killed by some­one he knew.

“It had to be a friend who called him. He (Daloo) was very para­noid. He would not just go up in that area with his wife and child just so,” the rel­a­tives, who asked to re­main uniden­ti­fied for fear of reprisals, said.

They al­so re­peat­ed­ly de­scribed the per­sons who at­tacked the cou­ple as evil.

“What kind of hu­man be­ing will kill a preg­nant woman?” they asked.

Ac­cord­ing to re­ports, vil­lagers of Brazil Road, Waller­field, con­tact­ed po­lice af­ter they heard a vol­ley of gun­shots on Mon­day evening. When vil­lagers checked out­side they found a sil­ver Nis­san sta­tion wag­on with the cou­ple in­side. The cou­ple was pro­nounced dead on the scene by a Dis­trict Med­ical Of­fi­cer (DMO).

Po­lice be­lieve the cou­ple was am­bushed by a group of gun­men in a car as res­i­dents heard a ve­hi­cle speed­ing off to­wards the Churchill Roo­sevelt High­way short­ly af­ter the shoot­ing. No one was ar­rest­ed up to late yes­ter­day.

De­tec­tives of the Re­gion Two Homi­cide Bu­reau are con­tin­u­ing in­ves­ti­ga­tions.

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