Two retreads and two rookies

Dear Editor,

I was not  surprised to learn of a new political party being formed. What did surprise me was the omission of Christopher Ram the renowned oracle of all things Guyana. Of course, when there is blood in the water the sharks will converge. Two retreads and two rookies are the new leaders of this group. I just wonder who is leading who. The group’s name is “A New and United Guyana,” quite unique, since Guyanese were never united and will never be. For me however, I think that we need a new political party like we need another thumb. This new group has already made a number of pronouncements as to what they will and will not do. In their opening move though they did not hesitate to play the race card; according to them they have reached out to the “Liberal Justice Party,” the newer independent Amerindian political party that will come on stream in 2019. Why that party? Guess!

These four people who have volunteered to save this country, from its doom, remind me of Aldous Huxley the novelist who spoke of the Elite Syndrome. The people who created the Elite Theory; the people who think it’s time that they reclaim their position at the top of the Pyramid leaving the plebs at the bottom. They have what is necessary. (a) They have (big) connections, (b) They have Money, (c) They have some education (not necessarily political), and they have all the time in the world.

Now playing their part in this charade as it unfolds is the Stabroek News who found it imperative to embrace the quartet  and shower them with positive ink; a page and a half. To follow that up the daily has christened these rookies with the sobriquet of “politicians.” These people who don’t know the address of the National Assembly are now hailed as politicians. Anyone or any entity but the coalition, the hallmark of the Stabroek News. In the mean time the two retreads are quite verbal in their new quest.

Back in 2007 during the infamous reign of the PPP, when dead bodies were left lying around, there was a call for a government of National Unity, by all the groups Christian, Muslim, Hindus and lay people. Even the ERC convened by the PPP thought it was a novel idea. What came out of such a call? What did the older retread a fifty year member of the PPP, hanging on to relevance by his finger nails have to save about that? The other retread on the other hand would not know a good political idea until it jumps up and bites him in you know where.

Indoctrinated ad infinitum by the PPP these charlatans are now trying to cajole us about their new group of elites, who have the formula to bring us back from the brink, and of course unite us.

Yours faithfully,

Milton Bruce