Hire us: Movietowne Guyana yesterday began a two-day job fair, where persons seeking employment were given the opportunity to apply for positions in several areas, including Cinema Operations and Maintenance. There was a huge turnout of persons, the majority of whom were young people. A Movietowne spokesperson said the day saw over 1,000 persons attending and filling out applications. Interviews were also being conducted on the spot and some persons were also hired on the spot. The job fair continues today between 10 am and 5pm at Movietowne’s Turkeyen, East Coast Demerara complex. (Photo by Terrence Thompson)Hire us: Movietowne Guyana yesterday began a two-day job fair, where persons seeking employment were given the opportunity to apply for positions in several areas, including Cinema Operations and Maintenance. There was a huge turnout of persons, the majority of whom were young people. A Movietowne spokesperson said the day saw over 1,000 persons attending and filling out applications. Interviews were also being conducted on the spot and some persons were also hired on the spot. The job fair continues today between 10 am and 5pm at Movietowne’s Turkeyen, East Coast Demerara complex. (Photo by Terrence Thompson)