Cabinet notes contracts for fibre optic cables, electrical upgrades to UG buildings

Cabinet last week gave its no-objection to the award of several multi-million dollar contracts, including for the supply of fibre optic cables as well as for electrical upgrades at the University of Guyana’s Turkeyen Campus.

Minister of State Joseph Harmon told a post-Cabinet press briefing last Friday that under the Ministry of Public Telecommunications, a US$323,550 ($67.7 million) contract was awarded to Zhongtian Technology Group Company for the supply of fibre optic cables. He added that a $25 million contract was also awarded to Farfan and Mendes Limited for the supply, installation and commissioning of solar photovoltaic systems for ICT hubs.

Harmon also disclosed that under the Ministry of Education, an $18.4 million contract was awarded to Cummings Electrical Company Limited for an electrical upgrade to the University of Guyana Turkeyen Campus’ Social Sciences building.