With global demand for honey set to increase significantly over the next five years the local beekeeping industry is seeking to position itself to, first, increase its market share locally and beyond that to make further inroads into the regional market where domestic restrictions on imports into Trinidad and Tobago, particularly, has been creating frustrations for honey producers here.
For all the promise shown by the beekeeping industry here over the years its development remains retarded first, by the fact that it remains hard-pressed to stay abreast of the range of innovations that have developed in the process of honey harvesting which, experts say, will drive the growth prospects for the industry for at least the next four to five years. The new innovations in the process of honey harvesting are driven by the strengthening of the research and development focus in major honey-producing countries aimed at improving and increasing the quality and quantity of the final product harvested.
More than that, global leaders in the sector are deploying an increasing number of software devices to monitor the strength of hives and which allow beekeepers to track hive productivity, hive health and security.