Strategic Road Map: Getting & Spending Guyana’s Petroleum Revenues


Today’s column commences my first systematic delineation of a Strategic Road Map for getting and spending Guyana’s expected Government Take from the petroleum sector. This task will constitute the final Volume (4) of an extended series of columns, which commenced December 27, 2015. That first column was entitled: El Dorado at Last! Prospects for Guyana in a time of oil/gas production and export. As a lead-in to those considerations, I deliberately set out to locate Guyana’s coming petroleum sector within the broader framework of its major extractive industries.

In accomplishing this task, the first Volume of columns appraised Guyana’s mineral sector (gold and bauxite), during the period December 27, 2015 to February 28, 2016. The second Volume similarly appraised the forest-subsector, during the period March 6, 2016 to August 28, 2016. And, the just completed third Volume, has appraised Guyana’s coming petroleum sector over the extended period September 4, 2016 to last week, January 20, 2019.