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Trinidad: One slain, five wounded after Burkie escapes Sea Lots drive-by attack

Cedric Burke

(Trinidad Guardian) A dri­ve-by shoot­ing in Sea Lots has left one man dead and five oth­ers wound­ed.

Po­lice said Rawl Williams, 40, was re­port­ed­ly killed when oc­cu­pants of a car who were tar­get­ing com­mu­ni­ty leader Cedric ‘Burkie’ Burke opened fire on a group of peo­ple at Pi­o­neer Dri­ve short­ly af­ter 8 pm.

Trey Beard, 23, Rahim Bruce, 23; Patrick Lau­ric, Trevor Isaac and Shenelle John­son, 24, were iden­ti­fied as the oth­er per­sons wound­ed in the at­tack.

Ini­tial re­ports of the in­ci­dent on so­cial me­dia had sug­gest­ed that Burke had been killed in the at­tack, be­fore these re­ports changed to sug­gest he had been shot. How­ev­er, po­lice lat­er con­firmed that this was false.

In­ves­ti­ga­tors in fact said that Burke re­port­ed­ly sur­vived the at­tack by ly­ing flat and prac­ti­cal­ly play­ing dead un­til the at­tack­ers left the scene.

A voice mes­sage cir­cu­lat­ing on What­sApp claims that men loy­al to Burke were able to “take him away” af­ter the at­tack but did not say in what con­di­tion.

Last night’s shoot­ing takes the mur­der count to 49.

Po­lice are still in Sea Lots in­ves­ti­gat­ing the in­ci­dent.

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