Mashramani election campaign moves

The top two candidates: why Indo/Afro?

Besides the expected goings-on at His Excellency’s Chairman’s GECOM, I swore that the PPP itself is not really ready for very early elections that may be available.

Then a letter-writer suggested that the opposition favoured the early poll because a flawed (padded?) electoral roll would benefit the PPP. My, oh my! Frankly Speaking, I – along with many thousands of citizens past sixty – care little for campaigns and elections at this time. For one thing, I am concerned about the implementation of all those promising programmes for national development mentioned in Minister “Good-Life” Jordan’s 2019 Budget. And would not oil-and-gas and other investors be wary of the potential destabilisation during and after the polls? My, oh my!

Forget the foregoing paragraph, the season, the campaigning is upon us. When I survey the letters and columns and features relevant to elections, I have to decide, being a one-time protagonist, how much to contribute to newspaper column space. What a crowded passionate field. Some dudes obviously rise early and dash to their computers to send in their email support or criticisms even before bath or breakfast! So many feel so strongly! (The Gold Board’s Gabriel now averages two letters per day. Admirable!)


The “Africans”, the Republic, the Mash

Is February still Black History or African Heritage Month? I’ll ask ACDA.

One of the few hot-button historical/political issues Dr Jagan and Mr Burnham actually agreed on was that February would be a great appropriate month for Independent Guyana to stop being a monarchy and “evolve” to being a Republic.

I ask the nation’s teachers to teach about the reason – the Great 1763 Berbice Rebellion against the Dutch beginning in February of that year. Kofi led. One other rebel leader was Accabreh. Now name four others. Then tell the youth four differences between a republic and a monarchy. And why a Co-operative Republic? I was enthused to do all the above at schools a few “Mashramanis” ago. A fellow with my first name Allan gave the Jaycees of Linden in 1969 that description, “Mashramani” to the February festival. Why?


Election Mash moves…

So as the Coalition arrogantly ignores the Chief Justice and the Constitution, comfortable that “Total National Defence” is at its disposal, y’all experience obvious campaign techniques for the GECOM-ordained polls by September.

First the APNU/PNC to its loyal, already converted: houselots, IDB-assisted social protection projects; “good life” handouts; the incumbents’ advantageous use of state/taxpayers’ resources to campaign (like all governments do); Vice President Moses’ Chronicle – support onslaughts and associated moves including diaspora outreaches and inputs. Even Mashmarani celebrations can be mobilised.

The major Opposition and reluctant buddies – ANUG, LPJ, OPV, FED-UP etc – must come good, smart and strategic against the governmental behemoth. Besides bussing in and transporting their supporters to “mass” rallies and protests – like PNC this past Sunday – suppose like a miracle, they all form their own coalition? Ho ho!


A GECOM official rigs? No-no!

This is part three of my long series on the perceived, alleged and real actual procedures of rigging local national elections. I’ve discussed on reported “authority” and “opportunities” available to Presiding and Returning Officers on Polling Day. And about “last-minute” Statements of Poll.

But electoral engineering has to begin long before that day. So far, two PPP fellows have responded to my last Friday’s public invitation for all and any activist-comrades to reveal what they know. And would like to prevent.

So I was advised to find out how GECOM electoral staff is recruited. Especially those appointed as Polling Place Presiding Chiefs and the ten Electoral Divisions’ Returning Officers. These latter dudes are vital, powerful. They authorize results to be sent to GECOM. Only they can do that. Who is the GECOM boss who appoints them? I am told that Returning Officers must score high marks at the GECOM tests early on. Should the Commissioner ask to see all test results gathered by the Secretariat? Is there discrimination in the choices of Returning Officers? More next Friday.


Two different-race candidates: why?

Alright friends, don’t think that I don’t hear (know) the reasons for contesting parties to present candidates of two major race-groups to be presidential and prime ministerial candidates.

The top two represent our major ethnic diversity. And that the party itself strives to be multi-racial. And that the prime ministerial candidate will attract non-traditional votes. And even at election time the respective parties demonstrate that we are all “one”.

Bunkum! Decades of false nonsense which so many political leaders – and a few supporters – present to fool themselves! Which they can’t! Forget about image! Put up two persons of one race if you want to! Be genuine, true to yourselves and the electorate. How many additional votes does image earn? Respect my political intelligence please.

One related joke: in 2015, despite the belief and optics, PPP candidates Donald Rabindranath Ramotar and Mrs Harper were both of mixed race! Ho-ho! Another serious joke: prime ministerial candidate  Officer Mark Phillips might just attract a few hundred Afro/Mixed-race votes. Ho-ho!



1) GECOM CEO Lowenfield: “The Secretariat’s work is guided or directed by the Commission…” Commissioner Charles Corbin: “The Commission must take guidance from the Secretariat.” I suppose they are both correct?

2) Outside CH&PA Dept of Housing: “Girl now dey giving me a house lot I can tink about voting.”

3) The CJ found that “a minimum of 33 seats” constitutes a majority of 65 in the House. Oh why did not the other two (2) show their hands? Their votes? Thirty-five would have truly “brought it on.”

4) I like the young Georgetown Mayor’s hair style. Would this newspaper do a full personality piece on him please?

5) Those dreaded Anti-Money Laundering requirements! One question from the Western Union lady as I wished to collect a small piece from the UK: “Are you related to any government official?”

Hear me: “I voted for President Granger and we both name Arthur.” She said that was okay!

’Til next week!
