Trini corn soup man, taxi driver shot dead

(Trinidad Guardian) Corn soup ven­dor Leopold Adams was among four peo­ple who were killed be­tween Mon­day night and yes­ter­day.

Adams was shot and killed while wa­ter­ing his plants out­side his John John Ter­race apart­ment around 4.45 pm Mon­day. Rel­a­tives said they do not know why Adams, 56, was killed, as he was de­scribed as a kind and gen­tle­man who al­so helped a lot of the home­less peo­ple on the streets.

At about 9 pm mean­while, taxi dri­ver Ty­rone Joseph, 44, was re­turn­ing to his Smith Hill, Care­nage home when he was fa­tal­ly shot. No mo­tive was de­ter­mined for his killing.

Over an hour af­ter, at about 10.25 pm in Port-of-Spain, an uniden­ti­fied man was found with gun­shots wounds be­tween build­ings 32 and 34 at Dun­can Street. The man was tak­en to the Port of Spain Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal where he died while be­ing treat­ed. He is yet to be iden­ti­fied.

Tyrone Joseph (left) and Leopold Adams

Ear­li­er on Mon­day, “PH” taxi dri­ver Ke­ston Ew­ing, 29, of Sec­ond Cale­do­nia, Mor­vant, was shot in the chest while ply­ing his Nis­san Tii­da for hire. He was stand­ing at a taxi stand near the Nel­son Street Boys’ and Girls’ pri­ma­ry schools. He is cur­rent­ly ward­ed in a se­ri­ous con­di­tion at the PoS­GH.

Sea Lots se­cu­ri­ty guard Nigel Fran­cis­co, 52, was the fourth mur­der vic­tim. He was killed at his Pi­o­neer Dri­ve home hours af­ter six mem­bers of his fam­i­ly were forced to pack up their be­long­ings and leave the area be­cause of threats made against their lives.