Minister of Public Telecommunications, Catherine Hughes presents sport gear to one of the residents. (DPI photo)
Information technology and access to potable water were up for discussion in the villages of Katoonarib and Sawariwau as day two of the Ministerial Outreach continued in Region 9 on Saturday, according to the Department of Public Information (DPI).
Minister of Public Telecommunications, Catherine Hughes and Managing Director of Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) Dr. Richard Van West-Charles along with a team of officials met with residents from the two communities.
Minister of Public Telecommunications, Catherine Hughes discussing the ICT services to be implemented in Katoonarib and Swariwau with the residents. (DPI photo)
Minister of Public Telecommunications, Catherine Hughes and one of the young residents. (DPI photo)
Managing Director of Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI), Dr. Richard Van West-Charles hands over farming equipment to a resident. (DPI photo)
Minister of Public Telecommunications, Catherine Hughes presents sport gear to one of the residents. (DPI photo)