The Barima/Waini area in Region One saw maternal deaths fall by 50 per cent last year.
According to a Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) press release, this announcement was made by the acting Regional Health Officer (RHO) Dr Vishal Ramjas on Thursday during the visit of the Minister within the Public Health Ministry, Dr Karen Cummings, to Hobodeia Health Post. Her visit was part of a three-day stay in the sub-Region to get a first-hand look at health-related progress in the hinterland area.
The RHO told a community gathering that in 2018, less women died from pregnancy-related complications when compared to official regional statistics compiled for 2017.
“We have recorded a decrease in our pregnant mothers dying. We realised in 2017 we had a high amount of deaths and in 2018 we had a decrease by half the amount”, Dr Ramjas was quoted as saying and added that there were five maternal deaths in 2017 compared to just two for last year.
According to the RHO, the reduction in maternal deaths could be attributed to the reinforcement of the country’s National Maternal Mortality Reduction Plan which includes timely transfer of patients, early evaluation of patients, detection of high risk patients, availability of laboratory services for mothers at time of assessment, appraisal of pregnant women on their first visit by a doctor, and ultrasound being available on outreaches by MOPH team.
Ramjas also disclosed that the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine is now being offered to boys and girls ages 9 to 16 years old, as part of a broader national strategy to assist in the fight against cervical cancer, which is among the leading causes of death among Guyanese women. He reminded the gathering that the Minister of Public Health, Volda Lawrence, had publicly stated that parents can decide that they do not want their children to take the HPV vaccine.
In her remarks, Minister within the Public Health Ministry, Dr Karen Cummings stated that the provision of youth-friendly spaces can help delay sexual encounters and so help in the fight against teenage pregnancy. She expressed the desire for the village to have a community centre where residents, especially the youths, can engage in extra-curricular activities such as sports, movies and games nights.
“I want us to provide a more youth friendly space so as to prevent teenage pregnancy and delay early sexual encounters”, Dr Cummings told residents and added, “We can create a youth friendly space for teenagers, a place where you can ventilate and interact with others.”
During her impromptu meeting with Sylvestor Antonio, the village Toshao and residents, the Minister reminded them that paying attention to health when one is young will help prevent the myriad diseases and illnesses which today plague the world’s elderly population. She also stated that in addition to the visits by the government’s mobile dental team, it would be good to have eye-care services included in the Region’s medical outreach package to Barima/Waini residents.
The MoPH noted that Barima/Waini is expecting a new shipment of drugs, pharmaceuticals and medical supplies in the Region to treat common illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension, cold, flu and diarrhoea.
In addition, the Health Post which is currently being managed by the community health worker, Sean Thompson, a resident of Hobodeia, will be refurbished this year as part of the health sector improvement plan in the interior area.