Stabroek News

Businessman shot in Regent St robbery discharged

Selson Prescott

Selson Prescott, the businessman who was shot and robbed on Regent Street, in Georgetown earlier this month while on his way to a city bank, has been discharged from the hospital and is at home recuperating.

A relative of Prescott’s recently informed this newspaper that he was discharged from the George-town Public Hospital (GPH) last Sunday.

Prescott, who was hospitalised following the shooting, had undergone surgery as a result of injuries sustained to his small intestine during the shooting.

A resident of Century Palm Gardens, Durban Backlands, Prescott was shot once in his abdomen during the robbery, which took place around 1.30 pm on April 1st as he was making his way to the nearby GBTI branch to deposit millions.

This newspaper was previously told that Prescott was proceeding on motorcycle CD 80, along the northern carriageway of Regent Street, when he noticed the gunman disembark a motorcycle, which was parked on the opposite side of the road, and walk into his path, forcing him to stop.

The gunman then whipped out a firearm and demanded that Prescott hand over his bag, which was across his shoulder.

Prescott reportedly refused and a scuffle ensued between him and his attacker.

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