Trinidad: Elderly couple married for 40 years killed in home invasion

Police and Crime Scene Investigators mill around outside the Buccoo home of John Mills and his wife Eulyn, who were found murdered in their bedroom yesterday.
Police and Crime Scene Investigators mill around outside the Buccoo home of John Mills and his wife Eulyn, who were found murdered in their bedroom yesterday.

(Trinidad Guardian) One day af­ter cel­e­brat­ing his 70th birth­day, John “Jok­er” Mills, 70, a for­mer Amo­co oil work­er and his com­mon-law wife of 40 years, Eu­lyn John, 61, were found mur­dered in their home yes­ter­day.

The cou­ple was found in the bed­room of their Cocrico Av­enue, Buc­coo home around 11.30 am by a nephew who had vis­it­ed to check on them.

Po­lice said Eu­lyn was found with her hands and feet bound with tie straps and gagged with a cloth and duct tape. John was found with a tie strap drawn tight­ly around his neck and his hands and feet bound with tie straps. He was re­port­ed­ly stabbed sev­er­al times about his chest, head, face and body, his throat was slit and the back of his head was bashed in.

Po­lice be­lieve rob­bery may have been the mo­tive for the killing, but sources said there were no signs of forced en­try to the house.

Rel­a­tives and neigh­bours de­scribed the cou­ple as very qui­et and lov­ing peo­ple and could not un­der­stand who would want to per­pe­trate such a bru­tal act on them.

A rel­a­tive, who spoke on the grounds of anonymi­ty, said he be­lieved the cou­ple would have fought with their at­tack­ers

“Know­ing (Eu­lyn), she would have made re­al noise and that is why they put some­thing over her mouth. Her hands and foot were tied. My un­cle was a strong man, he was big ath­lete, he used to do body­build­ing, he used to work gar­den and lift weights and thing, so he would have put up even a greater fight. No one man didn’t do that job there, but they were good peo­ple, qui­et peo­ple and they didn’t de­serve that,” the rel­a­tive said.

“My un­cle worked hard, ed­u­cat­ed his daugh­ter who is now a doc­tor, he put things in place…al­ways en­cour­aged peo­ple to be and do bet­ter. I am sure if those same fel­las had come and beg and give my un­cle a small sto­ry, he would have write a cheque and give them, be­cause he al­ways used to preach that men must take care of their chil­dren.”

DMO Dr Adeye­mi Maxwell vis­it­ed the scene and or­dered the body re­moved to the Scar­bor­ough Hos­pi­tal Mor­tu­ary, where au­top­sies will be per­formed to de­ter­mine the ex­act cause of their deaths.

This brings To­ba­go’s mur­der toll to five for 2019.

Any­one with in­for­ma­tion is asked to con­tact the To­ba­go Homi­cide Bu­reau at 635-1649, near­est po­lice sta­tion, 800 -TIPS or 555.

The To­ba­go Homi­cide Bu­reau is con­tin­u­ing in­ves­ti­ga­tions.

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