Trinidad: Two remaining prison escapees hiding in Las Lomas forest

National Security personnel search for escaped prisoners in Las Lomas yesterday.
National Security personnel search for escaped prisoners in Las Lomas yesterday.

(Trinidad Guardian) Vil­lagers at Sa­roop Trace in Las Lo­mas No. 2 were left trau­ma­tised and forced to lock up in their homes ear­ly yes­ter­day af­ter­noon, af­ter the two re­main­ing pris­on­ers who es­caped from Gold­en Grove in Arou­ca were seen run­ning through the area.

Michael Find­ley, from Laven­tille and Olan­tun­gi Den­bow, of Port-of-Spain, are said to be armed and very dan­ger­ous.

Up to press time, a spe­cial team of po­lice of­fi­cers from the Spe­cial Op­er­a­tions Re­sponse Team, North­ern Di­vi­sion Task Force and Ca­nine Unit, sup­port­ed by an aer­i­al search team in the Strate­gic Ser­vices Agency (SSA) he­li­copter, were comb­ing the thick forest­ed area of Las Lo­mas, Cen­teno and Brazil Vil­lage for the pris­on­ers, who were the on­ly two re­main­ing from a batch of eight who made a dar­ing es­cape from the Re­mand Sec­tion of the Gold­en Grove Prison be­tween Tues­day night and Wednes­day morn­ing.

While Guardian Me­dia was at Sa­roop Trace, vil­lagers ad­mit­ted they were very scared.

“Yeah, we have to be scared. We can’t go nowhere and leave our wives and chil­dren home. We glimpsed them walk­ing through the bush­es on­to the grav­el road here, right in front we…we watch­ing them cross more bush­es and then they start run­ning to the forest­ed area to Cen­teno,” a vil­lager who did not want to be named said as he point­ed to the di­rec­tion the es­caped pris­on­ers were seen head­ing.

The vil­lager said the two were spot­ted at about 2 pm.

“A man in a sil­ver car saw them and alert­ed us and he was brave enough to fol­low them and see where they were head­ing and that’s when we called the po­lice, who were not too far from here search­ing. They came in quick time with the dogs.”

Af­ter speak­ing with the vil­lagers, the team of of­fi­cers went to an area along El Car­men Road where they con­tact­ed the spe­cial search team on board the SSA he­li­copter and waved to them, giv­ing in­struc­tions to search a thick­ly forest­ed area near the Cen­teno Live­stock Sta­tion Dairy Unit.

Den­bow and Find­ley were two of five peo­ple ar­rest­ed and charged for the Feb­ru­ary dou­ble mur­ders of con­struc­tion work­ers An­dre La Touche and Abi­o­la Noel.

The sixth prison es­capee, At­i­ba Sealey, was re­cap­tured at about 10.45 am yes­ter­day in the said El Car­men Road area while ca­su­al­ly tak­ing a walk along the streets.

Po­lice of­fi­cers have thanked res­i­dents for their alert­ness and for con­tact­ing them and help­ing in the re­spec­tive re­cap­tures of the es­capees so far.

Po­lice said Sealy, 29, was one of three men held for the armed rob­bery of five em­ploy­ees and a pa­tron at Is­land Beer Chill and Grill in South Park, San Fer­nan­do, in Jan­u­ary. He was held by po­lice while hid­ing in the wash­room of the KFC out­let at the mall.

Hours af­ter the eight men es­caped from the prison, five of them were re­cap­tured in some bush­es near the Rock Park Ho­tel in St He­le­na.

They were iden­ti­fied as:

  • Stef­fon Austin, of Erin.
  • Joshua Janet, of Bras­so Seco, Paria.
  • Mikhale Mo­hammed, of Waller­field, Ari­ma.
  • Brent John­son, of Five Rivers, Arou­ca.
  • Ker­ry Valenti­no, of Quash Trace, San­gre Grande.

They are all charged with mur­der and were on re­mand await­ing tri­al when they es­caped.

The eight men es­caped through a small hole in the up­per left cor­ner of cell 6 in the up­per south wing of the Re­mand Yard, which is oth­er­wise known as “the deep.”

A hack­saw was be­lieved to have been the tool used to cut through bars, while two bricks were al­so re­moved be­fore they made their es­cape.

Mem­bers of the pub­lic are asked to cir­cu­late the pho­tos pro­vid­ed of Find­ley and Den­bow and to con­tact the near­est po­lice sta­tion if they see these es­capees, or have any in­for­ma­tion that will lead to their re­cap­ture.

Any­one with in­for­ma­tion on the where­abouts of the es­caped men can con­tact the po­lice at 999, 911, 800-TIPS or any po­lice sta­tion or text/What­sApp 482-GARY.

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