Trinidad: Two prison escapees release video message appealing for justice

Olatungi Denbow and Michael Findley
Olatungi Denbow and Michael Findley

(Trinidad Guardian) The two prison es­capees who were still at large up to late yes­ter­day have promised to sur­ren­der to po­lice in ex­change for jus­tice. Olatun­gi Den­bow and Micheal Find­ley, who were among eight re­mand in­mates who broke out of the Gold­en Grove Prison in Arou­ca last Wednes­day, post­ed a video on so­cial me­dia claim­ing their in­no­cence and call­ing for jus­tice.

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They are charged with the mur­ders of Laven­tille cou­ple An­dre La Touche and Abi­o­la Noel at their home at East­ern Quar­ry in Feb­ru­ary 2016.

Crime Stop­pers has of­fered a $50,000 re­ward for in­for­ma­tion lead­ing to the re­cap­ture of the two men. The six oth­er es­capees, Mikhale Mo­hammed, Stef­fon Austin, Joshua Janet, Brent John­son, Ker­ry Valenti­no and At­i­ba Sealey, were re­cap­tured with­in hours.

In the video, Den­bow claimed they were framed by a fe­male State wit­ness and ex­pressed con­cern the au­thor­i­ties are on­ly con­cerned about was putting them “back in jail.”

“The wit­ness’ state­ment doh even add up, slight­ly…to the ev­i­dence brought by the in­ves­ti­gat­ing of­fi­cer,” he claimed

He said he feared it would take years be­fore their mat­ters are called be­fore the High Court court and there is no guar­an­tee the wit­ness would tes­ti­fy.

“It have a $50,000 re­ward for in­for­ma­tion lead­ing to us. It cost­ing the state so much to get some­body to ap­pear in court. Let us be re­al. And she (wit­ness) have sev­en state­ments in court. Let we have our day in court soon­er rather than lat­er, please. Mr Prime Min­is­ter…Mr Row­ley we ain’t hear­ing noth­ing from you.”

They al­so called on Po­lice Com­mis­sion­er Gary Grif­fith and Di­rec­tor of Pub­lic Pros­e­cu­tions Roger Gas­pard to in­ter­vene in the mat­ter.

“We don’t in­tend to be a dan­ger to so­ci­ety no more. We ready to hand over we self. We just want fair­ness, as soon as all yuh ready for jus­tice…se­ri­ous­ness. Them in au­thor­i­ty let us bring the coun­try back to a calm. This now right, it is not fair. Let we try and get to the bot­tom of this. Don’t judge the book by its cov­er,” Den­bow said.

In re­sponse, Grif­fith said the men are free to give them­selves up.

“No­body stop­ping them. I would strong­ly ad­vise that they do so quick­ly. Their guilt or in­no­cence is not my busi­ness or con­cern. At this time they are es­caped felons and our job is to a ap­pre­hend them,” he said.

Grif­fith said he would “hunt them down with the same de­ter­mi­na­tion as we are do­ing now to put these two where they be­long.”

Prison Com­mis­sion­er Ger­ard Wil­son ad­vised the men to give them­selves up in the pres­ence of an at­tor­ney.

“Let the court process deal with the rest,” he said.

Wil­son said he has re­ceived a pre­lim­i­nary re­port on the jail­break and has ap­point­ed an in­ves­ti­gat­ing of­fi­cer who has been giv­en 30 days to com­plete a full-scale probe.

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