Stabroek News

Crepe Myrtle

Crepe Myrtle commonly called Queen of Flowers comes from the Lagerstroemia family. This showy ornamental is grown as a shrub or a tree.

Crepe Myrtle originated in Australia, Asia and the Pacific and grows well in the tropics. Both the shrubs and the trees have adapted well in Guyana and the Caribbean.

You can find the shrubs in white, pink and purple in old time gardens. They are planted singularly or in rows to form a hedge.

Crepe Myrtle has been making a come back after many years. I have seen both the shrubs and trees used in landscaping projects in Florida. In Guyana we have the pink and purple trees, while in Florida there are pink, purple and rosy red trees called Lagerstroemia indica cv rubra lining an entire street. When in bloom, it is a sight to behold.

If you have Crepe Myrtle, please note that after it blooms you would need to prune both the shrubs and the trees. At present, white, pink and purple shrubs are in bloom. 

Crepe Myrtle can be grown from seed. Fertilise with Blue Corn Plant Food once per month.

Until next week, Happy Gardening.

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