UK prosecutors for Trinidad

Attorney General, Faris Al-Rawi speaking  during the debate on the Administration of Justice (Indictable Proceedings) (Amendment)(No 2) Bill, 2019 during the sitting of the Senate, yesterday. OFFICE OF THE PARLIAMENT
Attorney General, Faris Al-Rawi speaking during the debate on the Administration of Justice (Indictable Proceedings) (Amendment)(No 2) Bill, 2019 during the sitting of the Senate, yesterday. OFFICE OF THE PARLIAMENT

(Trinidad Guardian) The T&T Po­lice Ser­vice (TTPS) will im­port spe­cial­ist pros­e­cu­tors from the Unit­ed King­dom and form an elite unit trained to tack­le mon­ey laun­der­ing, cor­rup­tion and fraud.

The an­nounce­ment was made yes­ter­day by At­tor­ney Gen­er­al Faris Al-Rawi in the Sen­ate, as he re­spond­ed to sub­mis­sions made by Op­po­si­tion Sen­a­tors on the Ad­min­is­tra­tion of Jus­tice (In­dictable Pro­ceed­ings) Bill.

Al-Rawi praised Com­mis­sion­er of Po­lice Gary Grif­fith for an en­tire­ly new unit in the TTPS “to man­age” se­ri­ous fraud, com­plex crime, mon­ey laun­der­ing and oth­er mat­ters.

“That in­volves the im­po­si­tion and im­ple­men­ta­tion which is ac­tive­ly on deck right now of spe­cial­ist at­tor­neys from the Unit­ed King­dom, foren­sic au­di­tors and foren­sic ac­coun­tants.”

He said there are 32 foren­sic au­di­tors and ac­coun­tants that come from one unit alone.

“And a fur­ther six. This kind of pros­e­cu­to­r­i­al weight has nev­er be­fore been in­sti­tu­tion­alised in Trinidad and To­ba­go,” Al-Rawi said.

The AG said the TTPS would no longer come in court with a po­lice­man as a pros­e­cu­tor.

“They are com­ing with spe­cial­ist pros­e­cu­tors…com­ing from the Unit­ed King­dom….com­ing from T&T who are right here in the coun­try work­ing, right now. They en­ter the do­main as Spe­cial Re­serve Po­lice.”

The news comes a month af­ter for­mer at­tor­ney gen­er­al Anand Ram­lo­gan and for­mer UNC sen­a­tor Ger­ald Ramdeen were slapped with cor­rup­tion-re­lat­ed charges stem­ming from le­gal fees con­spir­a­cy.

The AG said in the pi­lot­ing of the law, he re­flect­ed up­on the ex­is­tence of 33,000 plus pre­lim­i­nary in­quiry cas­es.

“The fact that one or two mem­bers of a po­lit­i­cal par­ty may be be­fore the courts in se­ri­ous cir­cum­stances…is one or two peo­ple out of 33,000 ex­ist­ing cas­es.”

Al-Rawi said he would not be in a hur­ry to of­fer an ar­gu­ment “that this law is de­signed to at­tack a po­lit­i­cal par­ty.”

Al-Rawi said his­to­ry was cre­at­ed in the courts yes­ter­day where the first plea bar­gain­ing hear­ing was dealt with which im­pacts the realm of pre­lim­i­nary in­quiries.

He said he heard the UNC speak­ing “glibly about con­tract po­si­tions” giv­en by the PNM, but when the UNC was in gov­ern­ment they “pros­pered on con­tract pro­vi­sions” which bled the trea­sury.

The game has changed, the AG said.

“The pop­u­la­tion may not un­der­stand that just yet. But I think the UNC un­der­stands it.”

Al-Rawi said he was con­fi­dent that the bot­tle­neck in the courts can be man­aged.

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