Trinidad mother loses second son to killers

Police at the scene of the murder Thursday morning in Carlsen Field. Photo by Sashtri Boodan.
Police at the scene of the murder Thursday morning in Carlsen Field. Photo by Sashtri Boodan.

(Trinidad Guardian) The moth­er of se­cu­ri­ty of­fi­cer Ri­car­do Dixon, 22, was on Thursday lost for words as she tried to come to terms with los­ing her sec­ond son in six years to vi­o­lence.

Dixon left home at 5.20 am to pick up his first day of du­ties at Heller Se­cu­ri­ty Ser­vices but was shot dead mo­ments lat­er.

His moth­er, Camille Taitt, 40, was in a state of shock and dis­be­lief when she saw the body of her son, ful­ly clad in his se­cu­ri­ty uni­form, ly­ing on the road­way at Xeres Road in Carlsen Field.

Dixon was shot six times but was able to tell a passer­by what hap­pened to him min­utes be­fore he suc­cumbed to his in­juries at the scene.

Po­lice found five spent .40 cal­i­bre shells on the ground near his body. Dixon was the fa­ther of a one-year-old girl. Speak­ing with the Guardian Me­dia on Thurs­day, Taitt said her son was very ex­cit­ed for his first day as a se­cu­ri­ty guard and was look­ing for­ward to tak­ing up du­ty.

“I woke him up at 5 am and walked him to the road and looked at him walk­ing out for a taxi. I nev­er knew what hap­pened to him un­til I saw his body on Face­book”, she said.

“I do not know what to say about this crime sit­u­a­tion. This is hard to deal with hav­ing lost my sec­ond son to mur­der. Just last month made it six years since my first son, Re­nal­do was stabbed to death in school at Wa­ter­loo Sec­ondary School,” Taitt said.

Asked if her son was ever threat­ened be­fore or was in­volved in any fight or ar­gu­ment with any­one, Taitt replied: “I don’t know and would nev­er re­al­ly know.”

How­ev­er, an­oth­er close rel­a­tive claimed that Dixon’s life was threat­ened on many oc­ca­sions but did not con­tin­ue to say why.

At his home at Bhagna Trace, close neigh­bours and rel­a­tives gath­ered and de­scribed Dixon as a young man “with few words.”

“He nev­er used to talk much…some­times he would say good morn­ing or hel­lo when he is pass­ing and then oth­er times he would just go straight with­out say­ing a word,” said a neigh­bour.

Asked if he used to lime on the block or on the street reg­u­lar­ly the neigh­bour said, “He would be seen with the oth­er fel­las around help­ing them out in what­ev­er they would be do­ing…he was al­ways around. We knew him as a ba­by grow­ing up but some­times when a child grows up and choos­es their own path you can’t re­al­ly say any­thing to them.”

Guardian Me­dia reached out to Heller Se­cu­ri­ty Ser­vices but we were told all su­per­vi­sors and man­agers at the com­pa­ny were not avail­able for com­ment as they were said to be en­gaged with the in­ves­ti­gat­ing of­fi­cer and Dixon’s rel­a­tives about the case.

On May 26, 2013, Dixon’s old­er broth­er, Re­nal­do, who was 14 years at the time and a Form Three pupil, was stabbed three times and his wrist slit by a 16-year-old Form Five pupil of the said school. At the time of that in­ci­dent, Re­nal­do and a school­girl were sit­ting on a bench at about 10 am when the oth­er boy at­tacked him.

Dixon’s mur­der was record­ed as the 238th for the year so far.