His Excellency’s coalition: abuses and excesses

-T.N.D.: pre-empting, preventing “internal” upheavals

Decided to be a bit overtly political today. Naturally – for me – I’ll leave the re-energised debates and commentaries about the implications and consequences of the Caribbean Court’s (CCJ) findings and decisions to …you know who.

Partly because, although I respect the wisdom of our legal eagles, the deliberation and explorations of legal and judicial interpretations, at my age and stage, I, like other thousands, was and would have always been wedded to almost-obvious conclusions: that His Excellency bullied his position and disrespected the Constitution regarding the manner he chose his GECOM headman; that our Constitution advised 33 and not 34 as the necessary majority and that, as our learned Chief Justice had long found, Charrandass’ vote was/is valid. I needed no court to change my layman’s views on those issues. Oh, but when I think of the multi-millions spent by His Excellency’s Attorney-General retaining various counsel! Some village roads and community centres – and the national disgrace that is Le Repentir Cemetery could have used Basil’s/our millions so wastefully spent.

My self-shame seems to be “boiling” each week over what I did on Polling Day May 2015. What did I do? I voted Granger – Nagamootoo. Not because I liked them lots. I was really voting against the new PPP as then represented by Rabindranath Ramotar and his lady Prime Minister running-mate, my dear friend Mrs Harper. Now with each passing week, His Excellency seems to be embracing two behaviours that disappoint. One, he seems reluctant to discipline his errant officeholders. Two, his benign political bullyism is now emerging for us all to behold.

So what do I do with my vote whenever His Excellency chooses to “proclaim” the next general elections? Firstly, I’ll be still objective, fair-minded enough not to compare the Coalition’s crucial blunders to 23 years of PPP/C mischief and evil. But secondly, how can I erase the relatively fresh/current sins of His Excellency’s administration?


From “mis-steps” to gross abuses

As with all opposition opponents the Coalition had promised to eradicate past mis-management and corrupt cultures. Their 2015 manifesto was impressive as expected. Too quickly the “mis-steps”, the blunders, the huge “capitulations” regarding approaches to corruption and to offering up our discovered national hydro-carbon/fossil resources to America’s very exploitative, became scandalous!

Recall this distressing, partial listing: instant salary increases for newcomers (ostensibly to head off temptations and corruption); suspect rental of “drug bond” and ordering of pharmaceuticals all involving PNC supporters with US ties; His Excellency’s disrespectful dismissal of the judge’s “interpretation” and his blatant imposition of his choice to “guide” GECOM; PPP-like practices demonstrated by specific ministers with no presidential reprimand whatsoever as His Excellency is determined to show “stability”.

I’ll stop here. Partly because I’m distressed over the alternatives available to us – those who already would want to exercise some other electoral option.


Woe be onto the A-political

Look, I’m no longer rabidly loyal to any political grouping holding itself out to be the best to manage our country – as I once was years ago. Could you therefore imagine the dilemma, the conundrum, the predicament that many patriots now find themselves in? They still want to choose a competent group to manage our resources and to inspire all-round peace and progress for all of us. Not completely a-political, they still look for choices outside of being fiercely loyal to any party; not given to voting tribe and /or race.

What, who are the alternatives to His Excellency’s PNC? Irfaan Ali’s Jagdeo? The new “AFC” – ANUG? An ambitious Toshao Shuman? The constituency-starved WPA think tank? Keith Scott’s and Mr Sharma’s “parties”? (Tell me not of “AFC”!)

So you see why people remain or become “a-political”? Why people stay away altogether? Must it be Granger or Jagdeo only? Poor us.


T.N.D.: Operation “kith-and-kin”?

Frankly Speaking, I was genuinely impressed when His Excellency the Brigadier outlined his doctrine of “Total National Defence” to his army’s Officer Corps. TND embraces army and reserve (militia), police, prison/fire services, National Cadet Corps, even Community Policing Groups. Check those components.

President Hoyte once publicly described the army/police as his “kith and kin”. What did he mean?

Now, Hoyte’s one-time Defence Adviser, our current His Excellency, espouses Total National Defence (TND) to secure our sovereignty and to pre-empt, prevent protests, “internal upheavals”. We must respect our protective services. But must not condone them being manipulated by politicians. Even if those forces loyally love His Excellency. They are not there to suppress dissent!


Important to ponder…

1. Do you all really comprehend how incumbents view loss of power? A present of opportunity and a future of authority and comfort – as oil wealth beckons?

2. And even if you don’t, can’t accept, can’t you understand A.A. Fenty’s conclusion? “Victory by any means necessary”?

3. Why house-to-house and not Claims/Objections? Because, as all incumbents do, time is needed to use taxpayers’ funds to campaign, to win extra votes.

4. What Comrade Jordan? The No-Confidence Conspiracy was hatched outside!?

5. What does His Excellency really privately think of the AFC? When will Raphael capitulate back to his old PNC? Like Hammie did?

6. Stand by for A.A. Fenty’s slim publication on “Electoral rigging – then and now”.

’Til next week!

([email protected])