The Hydrometeorological Service yesterday launched the Enhancing National Climate Services (ENACTS) initiative, which seeks to improve the availability, access and use of climate information.
Deputy Hydromet Officer, Dr. Garvin Cummings, during a stakeholder engagement yesterday, stated that the launch of the initiative fits within the global and national framework for climate services, while working to address some of the gaps identified nationally.
According to a Department of Public Information release (DPI), the programme, which allows for the characterisation of climate risks at a local scale and offers opportunities to support research, is designed to bring climate knowledge into the decision making process at all levels.
Additionally, according to Colombia University Research Scientist, Dr. Tufa Dinku, who also delivered remarks at the launch, ENACTS will provide Guyana with climate data going back decades.
“By implementing ENACT, the Hydromet department is now able to provide quality climate data going back 30 or 50 years for every five kilometres of Guyana and an array of online information products through its website” Dinku stated.
Guyana is the first country in the region to implement ENACTS, which is used in several countries around the world. DPI reported that last year, the Hydromet Service engaged the International Research Institute for Climate and Society at Columbia Uni-versity to implement the programme locally.