Stabroek News

Tobago cops probing video of schoolboys posing with guns

Students of Signal Hill Secondary School in video with a gun.

(Trinidad Guardian) To­ba­go Po­lice are cur­rent­ly in­ves­ti­gat­ing a video of a group of boys dressed in the uni­form of Sig­nal Hill Sec­ondary School pass­ing around what ap­peared to be a firearm.

The 22-sec­ond video shows the boys in what ap­peared to be a forest­ed area re­peat­ing the num­ber “six” while hold­ing hands over their faces.

The sup­posed firearm was passed among some of the boys who took turns pos­ing with the weapon and re­peat­ing “Love and gun­shots.”

They were al­so seen tak­ing turns smok­ing what ap­peared to be mar­i­jua­na.

A num­ber of peo­ple ex­pressed out­rage on so­cial me­dia call­ing for the im­me­di­ate pun­ish­ment and re­moval of the boys from the school sys­tem if they were stu­dents.

Head of To­ba­go Di­vi­sion of the TTPS Jef­frey George said on Tues­day that he had re­ceived the video and an in­ves­ti­ga­tion had been launched.

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