(Trinidad Guardian) A senior US military officer is warning that the return of T&T terrorist fighters can pose a major threat to this country.
Chief of the Military Liaison Office, US Embassy, Colonel Claudia Carrizales said nationals of this country who are in detention in Syria and Iraq are expected to return in a year.
Carrizales questioned if our country, Government and citizens are “ready to deal with that kind of threat.”

She made the comment while delivering the keynote address at a business forum hosted by the American Chamber of Commerce of T&T at the Hilton Hotel, Port-of-Spain.
The forum was attended by several business leaders including ANSA McAL executive chairman Norman Sabga.
Carrizales first spoke about the attempted 2018 Carnival terror which she said was not a hoax.
“If there is anyone in this room that does not believe that the Carnival threat of 2018 was real, then you are hiding under a rock.”
While the average T&T citizen may have a conspiracy theory that “Trinis don’t blow up things…people it was real…and we were able to address that threat.” The police arrested 13 individuals for the terror plot who were later released without charge.
The fact that nothing happened, Carrizales said was a “huge success for this country,” and the Government.
Such success, she said was as a result of the US spending millions of dollars to train and work with our elite forces such T&T Police Service and Defence Forces to ensure that T&T was prepared for any type of terrorist situation and transnational crime issues.
The Embassy and US Government, Carrizales said have also partnered with the Drug Enforcement Agency and Federal Bureau of Investigation to tackle terrorism globally. Terrorism, she said has the potential to cripple investments.
She said the business community should not leave terrorism for the Government alone to handle.
Carrizales asked if T&T was prepared for the return of foreign fighters in our country.
She said even though the US and T&T may disagree on the “political level,” the US would never turn its back on T&T in its time of need.
Within the next year or so, Carrizales said “you will eventually have some hardened foreign terrorist fighters returning to this country. Like it or not.” Carrizales said a number of these fighters are currently in detention in Syria and Iraq.
It was estimated that more than 100 T&T citizens left T&T to join the Islamic State.
While some people think that “God is a Trini” and these fighters may never make it back home and the US will take care of those “bad guys” we have to wake up to reality.
“Those are your citizens. They are your responsibility. And as a country, you are going to have to deal with it. Are you ready to deal with that kind of threat? What are you doing as business leaders to assist in the problem that is going to face you very shortly fast and furious.”
Carrizales said the men who tried to destabilise T&T for the Carnival season can be seen as “boys scouts” compared to these foreign extremists.
“You can see them as boy scouts. Yes, they had the radicalisation mentality and they wanted to do bad things. But when you compare them to what is coming back those guys are boys scouts.”
What has been missing in this country, in her opinion, Carrizales said “when it comes to terrorism and not anything happening here of great impact” was “that charismatic, hardcore, Muslim foreign fighter that comes back and can rally the rest of those. Then you have a problem.”
She said the root of radicalism lies in communities at risk.
Carrizales said T&T needs to understand that they have to play a key role in all of this.
“We also want T&T to know that although we don’t agree with everything we expect reciprocity. This cannot be a one-way relationship.”
Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi has promised that returning T&T fighters will be put under security radar.