Sargassum seaweed brings bonanza for Barbados fishermen

Huge masses of Sargassum have inundated beaches in Barbados.

(Barbados Nation) The massive influx of smelly Sargassum seaweed in the island’s waters continues to inundate a number of beaches across Barbados.

But while the algae could be a nuisance and damage vessels at times, some fishermen at Consett Bay, St John, are actually reporting it is bringing them good financial returns as it makes their daily catches bountiful.

“Bringing in the boat is a problem; the seaweed humbugging the propeller on the boat and how the boat maneuvers,” said longtime fisherman John Payne.

“Ocean wise it humbugging the lines and choking up the hooks so you have to be clearing it regular so fish would go on it. But it puts food on the table. Some clusters bring dolphins and amber fish.”