In his address on Friday following the consequential orders issued by the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ), President Granger said as follows: “Guyanese, the Constitution of Guyana is sacrosanct and supreme”. These few words reverberate with sonorous hollowness as President Granger and his Cabinet are still to do what is clearly mandated by Article 106 (6) of the constitution and which was reiterated by the CCJ.
As has been stated ad nauseam, Article 106 (6) mandates that “The Cabinet including the President shall resign if the Government is defeated by the vote of a majority of all the elected members of the National Assembly on a vote of confidence”.
There has been no sign of this resignation and indeed the government signalled defiance on Saturday when it proclaimed that “Cabinet has not stopped functioning”.
President Granger has already been found by the CCJ to have breached the constitution of Guyana via the appointment of the Justice (retired) Patterson. He should not compound his transgression.
The country also awaits with urgency, the President’s selection of a new GECOM Chairman from a list of six “not unacceptable” names to be submitted by the Leader of the Opposition.