Overall my living in America has been a good experience

Dear Editor,

The New York Times asked this question: Have you been told to “go back” to your country even though you’re an American? They want you to tell them about it.

Here is my story. Fortunately for me but unlike many, many immigrants, I’ve been very fortunate to not have been told to “go back” to your country.

I wasn’t told this because of my quarter of a century of military service and action in combat.

Editor, thus I believe that when Americans see me, they don’t see an immigrant. They see a soldier, war veteran and patriot. They see someone who served our country, and they are grateful for my service to the country.

They don’t see someone who took their job. They don’t see someone who is lazy or on welfare. They don’t see someone who wants handouts and who doesn’t want to work.

They don’t see someone who came illegally to the country. They don’t see someone who breaks the laws of the country. They don’t see someone who doesn’t take care and provide for his family.

They don’t see someone who blamed everything wrong with America on racism. They don’t see someone who is not willing to work hard and to pull himself up by the bootstrap in order to succeed.

They see someone who epitomized the American story, rags to riches. They see someone who is a good role model to other foreigners, immigrants and even to Americans. Someone who believes that if you work hard you can make it in America.

They see my story as the true American’s story. Someone who came from dire circumstances from one of the most dangerous villages in Guyana and yet was able to make it to America and make it in America.

Editor, I realize that other immigrants and foreigners have not been fortunate as I was to not experience a lot of racism, discrimination and be treated as a second class citizen. I feel bad for those people who did.

However, I can only tell you what I experienced. Overwhelmingly and overall, my living in America has been a good experience.

No, I’ve not been told to “go back” to your country but have been told countless times and by countless Americans, “thank you for your service to our country.” Please note their words carefully, “our country.”

When Americans see me, they see an American!

Yours faithfully,

Anthony Pantlitz