Stabroek News

Trinidad: Sleeping man was shot 8 times then tucked into bed

Videsh Albert, shot dead while asleep at his home.

(Trinidad Guardian) Po­lice are on the hunt for the killer, who not on­ly end­ed the life of Videsh Al­bert, 25 but tucked him in bed af­ter shoot­ing him sev­er­al times while he was asleep.

Al­bert, a trades­man of Farm Road, Bois Bande, Ojoe Road, San­gre Grande was al­so await­ing the birth of his first child.

Po­lice said that around 7:45 am on Wednes­day they re­spond­ed to a shoot­ing and when they ar­rived at the scene saw Al­bert ly­ing on his side on a bed cov­ered in a white sheet with blood.

Up­on check­ing, of­fi­cers saw gun­shots to the back of the man’s body. He was shot eight times.

Reynold Al­bert, the vic­tim’s fa­ther could not con­trol his tears.

He told Guardian Me­dia that he left for work and be­fore he could ar­rive on his job­site he was in­formed of his el­dest son’s death.

He added that he would nor­mal­ly wake Videsh to go to work, but he did not do that this morn­ing be­liev­ing that he was not go­ing.

The fa­ther said he heard a sound like lad­ders knock­ing around 2:45 am but he did not pay any at­ten­tion.

He said it was on­ly when his younger son went to Videsh’s room and opened the door that shock­ing dis­cov­ery was made.

Res­i­dents de­scribed Videsh as re­spect­ful and al­ways on the right side of life. They said he was am­bi­tious and was build­ing his own house.

They added he was a tas­sa drum­mer and played at many func­tions in and out of San­gre Grande.

Po­lice sus­pect that the gun­man fol­lowed Videsh to his home and when he fell asleep took the op­por­tu­ni­ty to kill him.

Videsh, of­fi­cers said, did not have a crim­i­nal record.

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