Trinidad woman guilty of killing mother and stealing baby

(Trinidad Guardian) A woman who ad­mit­ted to ar­rang­ing the mur­der of her friend and steal­ing her new­born ba­by is ex­pect­ed to be sen­tenced next month.

The sen­tenc­ing hear­ing for Ker­ry-Ann Hosang was ex­pect­ed to take place at the Hall of Jus­tice in Port-of-Spain yes­ter­day, but it had to be post­poned as a bio-so­cial re­port on her con­duct while in prison was not yet com­plete.

Jus­tice Althea Alex­is-Wind­sor, who pre­vi­ous­ly stat­ed that she want­ed to com­plete the sen­tenc­ing be­fore the 2019/2020 Law Term term opens in Sep­tem­ber, agreed to ad­journ the case to Au­gust 5.

Hosang was ini­tial­ly be­fore Alex­is-Wind­sor charged with mur­der­ing 28-year-old Reena Kissoon, but on Ju­ly 3, the Of­fice of the Di­rec­tor of Pub­lic Pros­e­cu­tions (DPP) agreed to al­low her to plead guilty to felony mur­der.

Un­der the felony mur­der rule, judges are giv­en the dis­cre­tion to waive the manda­to­ry death penal­ty in mur­der cas­es where death re­sults in the com­mis­sion of a less­er crim­i­nal of­fence.

Ac­cord­ing to the agreed facts in the case, that was pro­duced through con­sul­ta­tion with State pros­e­cu­tors and Hosang’s de­fence at­tor­neys, Kissoon’s body was found at her home at Phase 7, La Hor­quet­ta, Ari­ma, on Sep­tem­ber 3, 2005. She had a chop wound to her neck which sev­ered her tra­chea and dam­aged her spine.

Po­lice were tak­en to the lo­ca­tion by Kissoon’s friend, who had re­port­ed her and her new­born daugh­ter miss­ing af­ter not hear­ing from them for sev­er­al days.

When ini­tial­ly con­front­ed by po­lice at her home in Mara­cas/St Joseph sev­er­al days lat­er, Hosang claimed that she and Kissoon were close friends and that she (Kissoon) left the child with her.

Hosang claimed that she heard through the me­dia that Kissoon had been mur­dered but chose not to con­tact the po­lice as her fam­i­ly be­lieved it was hers.

“Her ra­tio­nale was that her friends and fam­i­ly knew she was preg­nant but didn’t know she had mis­car­ried,” the state­ment said.

It stat­ed that Hosang changed her tune af­ter in­ves­ti­ga­tors con­front­ed her days lat­er.

“I want­ed Reena’s ba­by so I paid Rea-Ann’s boyfriend and his friend $2,300 to lick up Reena for me to take the ba­by,” Hosang said.

“I stayed by Reena on In­de­pen­dence night and ear­ly Thurs­day morn­ing Rea-Ann’s boyfriend and his friend came to Reena’s home. I opened the door for them to come in. Reena was sit­ting on a chair and Rea-Ann’s boyfriend took out a knife and cut Reena on her neck. Reena fell to the ground and they dragged her body to a room in the back and I took Reena’s ba­by and we left. Three days lat­er I found out that Reena was found dead in her home,” she added.

In a state­ment, which she gave to po­lice, Hosang claimed that she knew Kissoon for six years and loaned her $5,000 in Jan­u­ary 2005.

Hosang claimed that af­ter Kissoon re­peat­ed­ly re­fused to re­pay the sum, she paid two men to threat­en her in­to ho­n­our­ing their agree­ment on two sep­a­rate oc­ca­sions.

She stat­ed that af­ter the two failed at­tempts, she de­cid­ed to hire two oth­er men to kid­nap Kissoon’s ba­by. Hosang claimed that she planned to keep the ba­by un­til Kissoon re­paid the mon­ey.

She al­so con­tend­ed that she at­tempt­ed to stop the men when they at­tacked Kissoon with the blade but the men in­stead turned on her and hit her across her face. She left $800 for them and fled with the ba­by.

“Ker­ry Ann Hosang end­ed her re­port by ex­press­ing re­morse over the death of Reena Kissoon and said that she nev­er meant for her to die and ad­mit­ted she gave every­one that the ba­by was hers,” the state­ment said.

Hosang ini­tial­ly went on tri­al for the crime in 2010 but the ju­ry could not ar­rive at a unan­i­mous ver­dict for her and a re­tri­al was or­dered.

Hosang is be­ing rep­re­sent­ed by Kei­th Scot­land and Asha Watkins-Montserin, Maria Lyons-Ed­wards is pros­e­cut­ing.

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