Trinidad: Bad joke about ‘Rasta City’ gang may have led to this man’s murder

Wendell John

(Trinidad Guardian) Wen­dell John, 42, may have been killed for “his mouth” as he was well known for throw­ing pi­cong and for be­ing very com­i­cal.

How­ev­er, it is of the be­lief that one day his jokes was not tak­en light­ly.

John was gunned down on Thurs­day at about 1.30 pm just out­side the Port-of-Spain Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal at the cor­ner of Char­lotte Street and Bel­mont Cir­cu­lar.

John lived at Le Plat­te Vil­lage in Mar­aval but moved out of the area four months ago.

In March of last year, John es­caped death when he was shot but in­jured dur­ing a dri­ve-by shoot­ing at Le Plat­te Vil­lage in Mar­aval. In that in­ci­dent one per­son died.

John was shot in the leg and ab­domen.

In Thurs­day’s in­ci­dent John was be­lieved to be ei­ther go­ing to or leav­ing the hos­pi­tal’s clin­ic where he was cur­rent­ly an out­pa­tient re­ceiv­ing treat­ment for the said gun­shot wounds.

Hours af­ter his mur­der sev­er­al videos of John in his moods went vi­ral on so­cial me­dia in­clud­ing one in which he said he had con­tact­ed the Aids virus for the past 20 years.

In that video John was heard throw­ing hate lan­guage and ob­scen­i­ties to­wards the Ras­ta City Gang.

The per­son who was record­ing the video asked John what would he do if he should be ap­proached by a mem­ber of the Ras­ta City gang to which he replied: “Dis­man­tle them.”

When asked about this par­tic­u­lar video, John’s fa­ther, An­tho­ny Adams, 55, laughed and said that his son nev­er meant any of what he said.

He said he was par­tic­i­pat­ing in the J’ou­vert rev­ellery ear­li­er this year and was drunk at the time.

“Na…na…he doesn’t have Aids but that’s how he is al­ways re­spond­ing to peo­ple when they mak­ing joke with him…he is al­ways drink­ing and when he is drunk that is how he does be and every­body know him to be like that, ” Adams said.

Adams said his son mi­grat­ed to a for­eign coun­try with his moth­er and two sis­ters but re­turned to T&T at the age of 18.

“He came to learn a trade and go back but he nev­er learn noth­ing…in­stead he would lime every­day. His moth­er spoil him from 18 to now, al­ways send­ing mon­ey and shoes and what­ev­er else he want­ed.”

He de­scribed his son as a per­son who al­ways en­joyed life.

“He was al­ways lin­ing and drink­ing and mak­ing peo­ple laugh…in one of the videos he was danc­ing. He loved life and was just en­joy­ing it. He was nev­er in any gang thing or any oth­er stu­pid­ness.”