Trinidad & Tobago’s murder toll hurtles to 300 mark

Undertakers remove Shiraz Ali’s body from his Mazda station wagon, after crime scene investigators processed the scene at Boundary Road Extension on Friday morning.
Undertakers remove Shiraz Ali’s body from his Mazda station wagon, after crime scene investigators processed the scene at Boundary Road Extension on Friday morning.

(Trinidad Guardian) The coun­try’s mur­der toll now stands at 294 af­ter four more were record­ed between Thurs­day night and Fri­day night.

The vic­tims have been iden­ti­fied as An­to­nio Dick­son of Sandy Trace, St Barbs; Shi­raz Ali of Bound­ary Road, San Juan; PH dri­ver Ashar Kir­by of Seav­iew in Care­nage; and Nigel Bel­lot of Carr Lane, Bel­mont.

Late Friday night, one man was killed and three oth­ers in­jured in shoot­ing in the La Hor­quet­ta dis­trict. No oth­er de­tails were im­me­di­ate­ly avail­able.

Po­lice al­so re­port­ed a woman be­ing stabbed sev­er­al times out­side Ex­press House by a man she knew. The vic­tim was tak­en to hos­pi­tal.

Dick­son, a PH taxi dri­ver was shot and killed just be­fore six o’clock Fri­day evening.

Po­lice say gun­men opened fire on Dixon who was seat­ed in a ve­hi­cle. He was shot sev­er­al times in the face and up­per body.

Twelve hours ear­li­er, Shi­raz Ali was shot and killed in the vicin­i­ty of the Aranguez North Sec­ondary School. He was gunned down mo­ments af­ter drop­ping his wife at the Fla­vorite fac­to­ry on Bound­ary Road Ex­ten­sion. Ali was dri­ving his sta­tion wag­on along the road­way short­ly af­ter 6 am when a car pulled up along­side him as he moved past the Aranguez North Sec­ondary School. A gun­man sit­ting in the pas­sen­ger seat of the ve­hi­cle opened fire on Ali, hit­ting him in the head, neck and chest. Ali, a fa­ther of three, died in the front seat of his car.

Hours be­fore Ali’s mur­der at about 10.30 pm on Thurs­day, PH dri­ver Ashar Kir­by was killed in the carpark of KFC in West­moor­ings. Kir­by was seat­ed in a beige Nis­san Almera along with Ja­mal “Etum­bay” Samuel, wait­ing on Samuel’s girlfriend to pur­chase their meal.

The woman told po­lice she dropped off the meals in the car and re­turned in­side for the drinks when she heard sev­er­al gun­shots. She told po­lice she saw two gun­men from a dis­tance shoot­ing at the car. Kir­by died on the scene while Samuel was shot and wound­ed. Samuel was tak­en to the Port-of-Spain Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal where he was treat­ed and ward­ed.

Just about half an hour be­fore Kir­by was killed, po­lice said at about 10 pm Nigel Bel­lot was at his home at Carr Lane, Bel­mont, with a woman when they heard a knock­ing on the front door. Po­lice said Bel­lot opened the door and was shot sev­er­al times. He died on the scene.

Ear­li­er on Thurs­day at around 1.30 pm, Wen­dell John, 42, was gunned down just out­side the Port-of-Spain Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal at the cor­ner of Char­lotte Street and Bel­mont Cir­cu­lar Road.

John was orig­i­nal­ly from La Plat­te Vil­lage, Mar­aval, but moved out of the area four months ago. He was known for be­ing com­i­cal and throw­ing pi­cong and in­ves­ti­ga­tors be­lieve that he may have been killed for “his mouth.”

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