In a letter dated July 20th to President David Granger, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo has emphasized that the responsibility for submitting names for Chairmanship of GECOM is exclusively his.
Jagdeo’s letter follows concerns raised by Granger in an interview on Friday that Jagdeo’s rejection of two of the President’s nominees: retired Justice Claudette La Bennett and GPHC Chairman Kesaundra Alves was a “recipe for gridlock”.
This had apparently been formally communicated to Jagdeo in a letter from Granger. This letter has not been released to the public.
In his response to Granger on Saturday, Jagdeo said:
“Your letter dated 17 July 2019, refers and its content duly noted.
I wish to assure you that the names you have conveyed to me were accorded the most serious of consideration.