Three fishermen were yesterday remanded at the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court to prison over the chopping murder of a Zeelugt man last Thursday.
Brought before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan, who read the murder charge, were Arnold Bruce Kennedy, of Lot 847 Zeelugt, East Bank Essequibo (EBE); Tavish Mangra, of Lot 858 Zeelugt, EBE, both 19; and Richie Mahase, 26, of Lot 69 Zeelugt, EBE.
The trio were read a charge which stated that on July 18 at Zeelugt they murdered Alvin Gajraj called `Chockoloo’.

None of the men was required to plead to the indictable charge.
Police prosecutor Gordon Mansfield noted that on the day in question the defendants and Gajraj had a misunderstanding which resulted in the defendants arming themselves with cutlasses and attacking Gajraj. He was picked up in an unconscious state and taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead.
The Chief Magistrate subsequently remanded the men to prison and adjourned the matter until August 6 when it is expected to be called at the Leonora Magistrate’s Court.