Oppressive atmosphere for staff of Protected Areas Commission

Dear Editor,

It is with great reluctance that we write to you today in an effort to highlight the plight of staff of the Protected Areas Commission at the National Park. Over the last few years, there has been increasing levels of disrespect, bullying and downright unprofessional behaviour towards many of the junior staff by the current management of the Commission.

Complaints from the staff to the HR Department about this behaviour are brushed aside and rarely result in any positive outcome. There is no other avenue open to the staff to voice their concerns and they are forced to spend almost 8 hours daily in this toxic environment. This unprofessional behaviour has resulted in the loss of all the middle management positions, including all the heads of departments and Senior Officers who chose to leave rather than be subjected to this behaviour.

The staff are dejected, many have lost their passion for the jobs they signed on to do primarily because of the abhorrent behaviour displayed by a particular official, and the general sloth of management to rectify this toxic environment.

We are therefore imploring someone in either the Department of Labour, or anyone who can help, to please start an investigation into the management of the Protected Areas Commission and offer some reprieve to the staff. 

Yours faithfully,

(Name and address
