Planning for the future of work

The challenge facing most young people today is “planning for the future” in terms of their job stability – whether they are already gainfully employed, or whether they are now seeking to enter the workforce. On the one hand, those already employed usually seek to enhance their career prospects by earning further educational qualifications in a course of study suited to the new position that they seek. Those looking to enter the workforce and garner a well-paying position from the outset also seek to qualify themselves, in turn reading for bachelor’s degrees and master’s degrees – a minority even making it all the way to their doctoral degrees – before seeking out permanent work.

Previously, the path to a decent wage and a modestly fulfilling career required no greater strategy than the one previously described: qualification through academic study and certification and, thereafter, dedicated application to the job. However, with the passage of time and the continuing lifestyle changes brought about by rapid technological advancements, the worldwide job market is also going through dramatic changes. As much as Guyana has been largely insulated, both from the advances in technology and the resultant lifestyle and job market changes, the impending oil economy can bring about overnight changes that will radically affect our job market.