Dear Editor,
As we commemorate this Emancipation season, I would like to vehemently condemn the xenophobic and racist attack against Haitian migrants, who for the most part are simply transiting Guyana.
Haiti is one of the 15 full member states of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), of which Guyana is a founding member. Historically, Haiti has played one of the most important roles for emancipation in the western hemisphere, being second to the United States to free itself from colonial rule.
As a descendant of the involuntary African displacement and the slave trade, I call on the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) to investigate and sanction those who persist in the unsubstantiated allegations and unwarranted alarms against Haitians in Guyana. The weekly attacks by certain political pundits, media outfits, and individuals on social media against the hapless transiting Haitians is past obnoxious.
The xenophobia launched against our Haitian brothers and sisters is even more disheartening since we are already constrained from effectively bonding because of an evident language barrier and their limited time here. They invariably leave Guyana within days of their arrival to join their kin and compatriots in other neighbouring countries, particularly to the East.
The transiting of Haitians is not dissimilar to that of Guyanese through Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados and Panama as they wind their way to other global destinations.
Based on available secondary statistics, the Haitian arrivals in Guyana constitute less than 8% of all arrivals, with Cubans leading the table at approximately 28%.
We cannot continue to disregard such sinister and unacceptable xenophobic behaviour in our fledgling and developing democracy.
May our emancipation manifest itself in thoughts, words and deeds!
Yours faithfully,
Mr Orette Cutting