Stabroek News

Trinidad: Four people charged with robbery, murder of Fisherman

Murder accused Kareem Stanisclaus (left) and Mya Bowrin also charged.

(Trinidad Guardian) The fam­i­lies of five mur­dered fish­er­men are call­ing on the po­lice to ar­rest and charge all of the peo­ple who were in­volved in the Ju­ly 22 pi­rate at­tack off Car­li Bay.

Their de­mand came even as four peo­ple ap­peared in court on Fri­day charged with var­i­ous of­fences linked to the case.

Coast Guard and oth­er fish­er­men are still search­ing for the bod­ies of two oth­er miss­ing fish­er­men.

In in­ter­views on Fri­day, rel­a­tives of the mur­dered men told Guardian Me­dia that while they want­ed to at­tend the court hear­ing but they were afraid.

Mya Bowrin,18, centre, leaves the Couva Magistrates Court yesterday after she was charged with six offences of robbery with violence.

“We are ac­tu­al­ly up­set be­cause every­one knows one man can’t kill all sev­en of these guys, we are re­al­ly lost for words,” one rel­a­tive said.

She said one per­son couldn’t kill all the fish­er­men on their own, con­sid­er­ing the cir­cum­stances of the case.

The rel­a­tive of an­oth­er vic­tim said she was too afraid of the men see­ing her face to at­tend the hear­ing.

“I want­ed to see their faces, to see how they look know­ing they get caught but I have a fam­i­ly to live for and I don’t know if they have oth­er peo­ple who they will send for us now,” she said.

They are call­ing on Po­lice Com­mis­sion­er Gary Grif­fith to pro­vide them with some lev­el of po­lice pro­tec­tion.

The sea at­tack has left the en­tire fish­ing com­mu­ni­ty in cri­sis and prompt­ed a clash be­tween Op­po­si­tion MP Ra­mona Ram­di­al and Min­is­ter in the Min­istry of the At­tor­ney Gen­er­al Fitzger­ald Hinds in Par­lia­ment.

Ram­di­al al­so led a protest out­side of Par­lia­ment where the group called for more to be done to help the fam­i­lies of the mur­dered men.

She had called sev­er­al times on Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty Min­is­ter Stu­art Young to vis­it the com­mu­ni­ty and meet with the fam­i­lies.

Al­though he nev­er showed up, Young took to his so­cial me­dia on Mon­day to slam Ram­di­al say­ing she was us­ing the tragedy as “a po­lit­i­cal grand­stand.”

“I refuse to use the loss and trau­ma that vic­tims of crime suf­fer as a po­lit­i­cal tool or mo­ment of po­lit­i­cal op­por­tu­ni­ty.

As Min­is­ter of Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty, from the time I was alert­ed to the at­tack on the fish­er­men last week I was in con­tact with the rel­e­vant heads of se­cu­ri­ty. I re­quest­ed that we de­ploy air and sea as­sets to join the search for our miss­ing cit­i­zens. And I have dis­cussed this phe­nom­e­non that, un­for­tu­nate­ly, is not new, with the heads of se­cu­ri­ty,” Young wrote.

The fish­er­men were beat­en and thrown over­board af­ter a group of men at­tacked the crew of six pirogues in the dead of the night.

The group stole six en­gines and four of the ves­sels were stolen. With­in 24 hours po­lice re­cov­ered one of the stolen boats and six en­gines in Sea Lots. They man­aged to track the en­gines through GPS de­vices in­stalled on two of the mo­tors.

In a sep­a­rate ex­er­cise, on Ju­ly 25 po­lice shot and killed Sea Lots gang­ster Akan­ni “Dole” Adams whom they said was linked to the pi­rate at­tack. Po­lice claimed ves­sels stolen from the Car­li Bay fish­er­men were used by a group of killers who killed Vaughn “Sand­man” Mieres, his wife, and two of his hench­men that same day. The kill squad, of about eight peo­ple, es­caped from Las Cuevas by boat.

Pi­rate at­tack off in Gulf of Paria

The at­tack on the Car­li Bay fish­er­men has been de­scribed as one of the most bar­bar­ic acts of pira­cy and sparked cries from across the coun­try for jus­tice for the mur­dered men and their fam­i­lies.

The men had gone out on one of their night­ly fish­ing ex­pe­di­tions in six dif­fer­ent boats.

Nine of them were forced to jump out of their boats by gun-tot­ing ban­dits, who al­so beat them se­vere­ly.

To date, the bod­ies of Hem­raj “Alex” Sook­nanan, 18, Bran­don “Cur­ry” Kissoon, 21, Shi­va “Aries” Ramdeo, 27, Anand Ram­per­sad, 39, and Leslie De Boulet, were re­cov­ered in the wa­ters off Point Fortin, Ce­dros, and La Brea.

Still un­ac­count­ed for are Justin Kissoon, 19, and Ja­son Bap­tiste, 30.

Ram­per­sad, a fa­ther of three, was stabbed twice.

Two oth­er fish­er­men, Rob­bie Jag­ger­nauth and Bri­an Seemu­n­gal man­aged to swim un­til they were res­cued by a pass­ing boat.

Three oth­er fish­er­men, who were not iden­ti­fied, were left in their boats al­though their en­gines were stolen.

When the news broke that there was a mass rob­bery at sea the next morn­ing, Coast Guard, po­lice and dozens of fish­er­men be­gan a search that has been on­go­ing since then.

Ram­per­sad’s body was found first, on Ju­ly 24, float­ing about a mile and a half away from the Car­li Bay fish­ing de­pot. Lat­er that day, De Boulet’s body was found float­ing near the Labid­co Port in La Brea.

On Ju­ly 26, the bod­ies of Ramdeo and Bran­don Kissoon were al­so found close to the Labid­co Port.

On Mon­day, ex­act­ly one week af­ter the at­tack, Sook­nanan’s body sur­faced in the Erin area.

Pres­i­dent of the Car­li Bay Fish­ing As­so­ci­a­tion Im­ti­az Khan echoed the calls of the fam­i­lies for more ar­rests to be made.

“We don’t re­al­ly know how to feel right now, it is so very un­for­tu­nate that these peo­ple have lost their lives for the things they worked so hard for.”

Khan said the fam­i­lies were gath­er­ing for a can­dle­light vig­il yes­ter­day in ho­n­our of the de­ceased men.

He said the group will al­so be pray­ing that the bod­ies of Justin Kissoon and Ja­son Bap­tiste are found as their fam­i­lies are still seek­ing clo­sure.

Four charged for Car­li Bay at­tack

In the Cou­va Mag­is­trate’s Court yes­ter­day, Ka­reem Stanis­claus, of Sea Lots, in Port-of-Spain faced five mur­der charges.

Stanis­claus, 27, of Pro­duc­tion Dri­ve, was al­so charged with the at­tempt­ed mur­ders of Rob­bie Jag­ger­nauth and Bri­an Seemu­n­gal.

He ap­peared be­fore Mag­is­trate Chris­tine Charles charged with the mur­ders of Anand Ram­per­sad, Leslie De Boulet, Bran­don Kissoon, Hem­raj Sook­nanan and Shi­va Ramdeo.

The vic­tims were among 12 fish­er­men from the Or­ange Val­ley area who were beat­en, robbed and forced to jump over­board their fish­ing ves­sels on Ju­ly 22. Two fish­er­men, Justin Kissoon and Ja­son Bap­tiste are still miss­ing.

He was joint­ly charged with an­oth­er Sea Lots res­i­dent, Shaquille Roberts, Mya Bowrin and Loy­ola John with six charges of rob­bery with vi­o­lence while armed with a gun and cut­lass­es.

Stanis­claus is not el­i­gi­ble for bail and Roberts, 25, was de­nied bail pend­ing a trace of his crim­i­nal record.

Bowrin was grant­ed $100,000 bail in court with her moth­er as sure­ty while John ap­peared in court on Wednes­day and was al­so grant­ed bail.

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