Bariel Hall, the 18-year-old who remained a patient at the Georgetown Public Hospital after being the victim of a hit and run accident just over two months ago, succumbed to his injuries yesterday morning.
Hall, who died just around 7 am, had been a patient at the GPHC since May 25th. He had been hospitalised following the hit and run, which occurred along Avenue of the Republic, in the vicinity of the Route 44 bus park. He never regained consciousness. Hall was making his way home at the time from a ‘J’ouvert’ during the carnival season. Subsequent to the accident, the driver of the vehicle did not stop to render any assistance to the teen. The driver was later taken into police custody and released on station bail.
The teen’s father, Barrington Hall, who spoke with Stabroek News last Wednesday, had said that he was told by police that the investigation into the matter was still ongoing. He, however, lamented that the driver had yet to be charged. The elder Hall added that he was also told by police that before charging the driver, they were waiting to see if his son recovered.
Bariel had suffered injuries to his head and about his body, including a broken left leg. A CT scan showed that there was haemorrhaging in the brain as well as other head injuries. Over the two-month period in which his son was a patient at the hospital, Hall did not get a comforting report on his son’s condition. “After the doctors give him the treatments and so, they say that the treatment run it[s] course and there’s nothing else that they could do to help him,” Hall said. “Any movements you seeing, they [doctors] seh is not of he hearing you and understand and acknowledge you, is brain reaction,” he further reported.