Trinidad: Well-known Sea Lots businessman detained for fishermen’s murders

Carli Bay in Couva, where one of eight fishermen who was attacked by pirates and five of their fishing vessels stolen from the Gulf of Paria, Trinidad

(Trinidad Guardian) A Sea Lots man who is well known to the po­lice has been de­tained for ques­tion­ing in the mur­der of the five Car­li Bay fish­er­men who were beat­en and thrown over­board on Ju­ly 22.

Se­nior po­lice sources say the man was de­tained by homi­cide of­fi­cers from the Cen­tral di­vi­sion for ques­tion­ing some­time this morn­ing.

Last week 27-year-old Ka­reem Stanis­claus was charged with the mur­ders of fish­er­men Hem­raj Sook­nanan,18, Bran­don Kissoon, 21, Shi­va Ramdeo, 27, Anand Ram­per­sad,39 and Leslie De Boulet.

It was al­leged he, along with oth­er peo­ple, mur­dered the fish­er­men.

Stanis­claus was al­so charged with the at­tempt­ed mur­der of Bri­an Seemu­n­gal and Rob­bie Jag­ger­nauth, and re­mand­ed in cus­tody.

He was al­so joint­ly charged with six counts of rob­bery with vi­o­lence along with Shaquille Roberts, and two women – Mya Bowrin and Ly­ola John.

Both women were grant­ed $100,000 bail when they ap­peared in court last week, while Roberts was re­mand­ed in cus­tody pend­ing trac­ing of his crim­i­nal records.