Trinidad: Minister Cox cries for Marlene at police station

Communications Minister Donna Cox leaves the St Joseph Police Station after visiting Public Administration Minister Marlene Mc Donald, yesterday.
Communications Minister Donna Cox leaves the St Joseph Police Station after visiting Public Administration Minister Marlene Mc Donald, yesterday.

(Trinidad Guardian) Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Min­is­ter Don­na Cox’s eyes welled up with tears when she vis­it­ed em­bat­tled PNM MP Mar­lene Mc­Don­ald yes­ter­day at St Joseph Po­lice sta­tion and prayed with Mc­Don­ald.

“I couldn’t help it, the tears just came up, but I didn’t want her to see that so I tried to keep it to­geth­er,” Cox added.

Cox vis­it­ed dur­ing Mc­Don­ald’s fourth day in po­lice cus­tody. Mc­Don­ald was ar­rest­ed her St Joseph home last Thurs­day. This, fol­low­ing po­lice probe con­cern­ing Mc­Don­ald and her com­mon-law hus­band Michael Carew re­gard­ing al­leged mis­ap­pro­pri­a­tion of funds.

Sev­er­al oth­er peo­ple were sub­se­quent­ly ar­rest­ed in­clud­ing a for­mer per­ma­nent sec­re­tary. One per­son, who was in To­ba­go, was held when he ar­rived at the Pi­ar­co Air­port. Mc­Don­ald’s col­leagues have ral­lied around her, ex­press­ing con­cern for her health and Op­po­si­tion col­leagues have al­so warned sup­port­ers not to gloat or crit­i­cise her.

Cox said: “She had oth­er vis­i­tors in re­cent days, but I went yes­ter­day be­cause at the end of the day, she’s a col­leagues and we care about her and we want­ed her to know that. It has noth­ing to do with some­one be­ing in­no­cent or guilty, it still in­volves a hu­man be­ing. We have an ac­tive Women’s League and we’re be­ing there for her.”

“As part of the PNM , we’re sup­posed to ral­ly around col­leagues and I’m proud of my oth­er col­leagues who’ve al­so been vis­it­ing and check­ing.”

Cox said Mc­Don­ald was dressed in a pantsuit and was in good spir­its when she saw her.

“I got there around mid­day and we spent al­most 90 min­utes to­geth­er. She looked well, her face wasn’t stressed or so. She’s al­so in good health so far. They were tak­ing care of her very well. We talked about some work re­lat­ed is­sues . But I al­so held on to her and prayed with her . As I left I told her to, trust in the Lord.”

Port-of-Spain South col­leagues, who car­ried food for Mc­Don­ald on Sat­ur­day, said they not­ed po­lice were treat­ing her “re­al­ly well.”

UNC MP Bar­ry Padarath quipped yes­ter­day: “The way I know Mar­lene, I re­al­ly hope some­one brought Sun­day lunch for her.”

He said Prime Min­is­ter Kei­th Row­ley’s com­ments on Mc­Don­ald have changed from what Row­ley said ini­tial­ly (af­ter he reap­point­ed her a min­is­ter in 2018) to a dif­fer­ent po­si­tion in re­cent days.

In Par­lia­ment in 2018 af­ter her reap­point­ment then, Padarath asked Row­ley if Mc­Don­ald was cleared by the In­tegri­ty Com­mis­sion and/or po­lice of all wrong do­ing.

Row­ley had said he made Cab­i­net ap­point­ments and didn’t de­pend on a com­mis­sion let­ter—but he didn’t re­spond re­gard­ing the po­lice.

Then, Padarath had not­ed Row­ley re­moved Mc­Don­ald in 2016 be­cause of a com­mis­sion probe in­to al­le­ga­tions of mis­be­hav­iour in pub­lic of­fice and a po­lice probe. Padarath at that time said Row­ley’s ra­tio­nal for con­tin­u­ous hir­ing/fir­ing/re­hir­ing of Mc­Don­ald was in­con­sis­tent.

Yes­ter­day, Padarath added: “He’s boast­ed he ran a cor­rup­tion-free Gov­ern­ment, yet his deputy leader’s in this sit­u­a­tion and he hasn’t an­swered ques­tions on oth­er min­is­ters: where’s the re­port on Dar­ryl Smith and the min­istry’s pay­out to an ex-fe­male em­ploy­ee? Camille Robin­son-Reg­is’ bank de­posit, the St Clair prop­er­ty rent­ed by Gov­ern­ment. Plus sev­er­al min­is­ters who didn’t file In­tegri­ty Com­mis­sion sub­mis­sions.”

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