Stabroek News

No bail for man accused of burgling NCW building

A man was charged on Friday with breaking and entering the National Congress of Women’s headquarters.

Seon Burch was read the charge by Senior Magistrate Leron Daly.

It states that between August 2nd and August 6th, at 44 Public Road, Kitty, Burch broke and entered the building of the National Congress of Women and stole a number of items, worth $111,000.

He denied the charge.

Police Prosecutor Tracy May Gittens told the court that Burch is wanted for another break and enter charge. As a result, the magistrate remanded him to prison. Burch then informed the magistrate that he suffers from headaches and begged for bail to be granted.

In response, the magistrate announced that she would make a report to have a doctor assigned to him to check and treat the headaches. The matter was then adjourned until August 30th.

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