Trinidad: Hospital employee arrested with drugs at POS General

Police have seized a quantity of drugs and cash from a worker at the Port-of-Spain General Hospital.

(Trinidad Guardian) An em­ploy­ee at the Port of Spain Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal was ar­rest­ed and a quan­ti­ty of mar­i­jua­na seized by of­fi­cers of the Port-of-Spain Di­vi­sion Task Force, dur­ing an an­ti-crime ex­er­cise on Fri­day.

The em­ploy­ee was ar­rest­ed while on the com­pound re­sult­ing in a par­tial lock down that caused a stir among staff and ear­ly morn­ing vis­i­tors.

The ex­er­cise, co­or­di­nat­ed by ACP (Ag.) Williams, Snr. Supt. (Ag.) Moore and su­per­vised by In­sp. Ran­dall McGuirk and Sgts. Alexan­der and Lu­cas, was con­duct­ed be­tween 5 am and 10.30 am and in­clud­ed of­fi­cers of the Besson Street Op­er­a­tions Unit, City Po­lice, Tran­sit Po­lice and the Ca­nine Branch.

The of­fi­cers act­ing on in­for­ma­tion pro­ceed­ed to the hos­pi­tal where they con­duct­ed a search and dis­cov­ered 500 grammes of mar­i­jua­na along with TT$1,020 in cash hid­den in and around the com­pound.

A 35-year-old man of Mar­cano Quar­ry, Laven­tille was al­so held with 30 grammes of mar­i­jua­na in his pos­ses­sion.

The of­fi­cers al­so had cause to ar­rest a 33-year-old man from Care­nage at the City Gate Maxi Taxi Ter­mi­nal in con­nec­tion with a re­port of wound­ing with in­tent.

The said par­ty of of­fi­cers al­so ex­e­cut­ed sev­er­al search war­rants in the Beetham Gar­dens, Laven­tille, Bath Street Plan­nings and Pash­ley Street ar­eas for arms and am­mu­ni­tion. Dur­ing the search­es, of­fi­cers found 500 grammes of mar­i­jua­na and 35 grammes of co­caine in a bushy area.

Sev­er­al road check ex­er­cis­es were al­so car­ried out in the Bel­mont and Besson Street po­lice dis­tricts, where a to­tal of 44 field in­ter­view forms were com­plet­ed.