Fat loss training methods were discussed in last week’s column. This week, in part two, let us dive straight into other ways and means of getting rid of stubborn body fat.
This might seem like an odd choice as a fat-burning exercise but it’s actually one of the best! It’s gentle enough that you can do it every day, and not so tiring that it will interfere with recovery from your other workouts. And even a short walk will boost your metabolism for faster fat loss.
Most people are incredibly sedentary, owing to lifestyle choices, work and study factors. So, even adding exercise of 4 to 5 hours a week might not be enough for effective fat loss. However, walking 10,000 to 15,000 steps per day could help you reach your fat loss target much faster.
Make an effort to pick a step target and keep track of it every week. You need to start holding yourself to hitting these targets each day when aiming to lose fat.
Tip: I use a Fitbit to track my steps, calories burned, heart rate, sleep patterns, weight and food.
Fat-loss diet
As the old saying goes, you cannot out-train a bad diet. If you try, you had better be prepared to exercise for several hours a day, and every day of the week, which, let’s be real, is not a sustainable lifestyle. Even then, you won’t see the progress you want.
Your diet is a much easier way to control your calorie balance. To burn fat, you need to create a calorie deficit. This means you need to eat fewer calories than your body needs to sustain your current weight.
For example, if you normally eat 2,500 calories per day to maintain your weight, eating 2,000 means there is a 500 calorie per day deficit. Your body still needs 2,500 calories per day, so it will make up this shortfall by burning stored bodyfat for fuel. In short, eating less forces your body to burn fat, and no deficit means no fat burning. There are lots of ways to create this deficit including:
• Eating smaller meals
• Eating fewer meals – intermittent fasting
• Cutting back on certain foods or food groups, for example low carb or low-
fat diets
• Replacing high-calorie meals with low-calorie shakes or food bars
• Following a prescriptive, low-calorie diet
All of these options can work, but the best one is the one you can stick with for as long as it takes to reach your fat loss goal. The best diet will include foods you enjoy, will not make you feel overly hungry, will be easy and convenient to follow, and won’t bankrupt you either.
Your mindset
As important as your workouts and diets undoubtedly are, your mindset is just as crucial. After all, you need to stay motivated throughout your fat loss journey, maintaining strong willpower too, otherwise you may find yourself skipping workouts or cheating on your diet.
Willpower and motivation will help you to resist temptation and remind you to focus on your ultimate fat loss goal rather than the instant gratification that eating a treat or going easy in the gym will provide.
Strategies for improving your motivation and willpower include:
• Setting measurable, realistic fat loss goals
• Taking progress photos
• Keeping a food and training diary
• Hiring a nutrition coach or personal trainer
• Planning your menu in advance and bulk prepare healthy meals
• Throwing out all the junk food in your house
• Making a fat loss bet with a friend
• Recruiting a diet and/or training partner
• Joining or creating an online support group
Do not underestimate the importance of your mindset. It can be the weak link that holds you back, or the thing that allows you to achieve the results you want. Your brain might not be a muscle, but you can still strengthen it like one so that you make the best possible progress.
So, do you need to start using a fat burner?
How much fat will you lose using a thermogenic? The short answer is “more.” The long answer is your results will depend on your training, diet, and mindset.
A fat loss supplement will multiply your efforts so the harder you train, the stricter your diet, and the stronger your mindset, the better your progress will be.
Use a thermogenic supplement to maximise your progress, but how much fat you’ll actually lose depends on how hard you work at it.
If you are training hard, eating right, and doing these things consistently, a thermogenic supplement can help you achieve even faster fat loss.