Like many of his peers, Davindra Bridgmohan is today celebrating his success at the recently concluded Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) examinations, where he secured 10 passes. Bridgmohan is, however, not exactly like his peers, as he has Cerebral Palsy (CP), which severely affects his mobility.
Diagnosed at just six-months-old, Davin, as he is called by family and friends, has never let his condition stop him and with the support of his family, classmates and teachers from nursery school all the way to Form Five, he is one step closer to his dream of becoming a civil engineer.
“I never really take on my disability. I just move forward and think like a normal child. So, for others with a similar disability, I say nothing is wrong with you. You are just the same as a normal child,” Bridgmohan, 17, told Stabroek News.