As part of an ongoing Central Government support programme for all municipalities throughout Guyana, the Communities Ministry on Thursday donated a new $45 million garbage truck to the Georgetown Mayor and City Council (M&CC).
The truck is expected to boost the municipality’s continued effort in relieving the capital city of solid waste. “Earlier in the life of this administration, a few other compacted trucks were provided to the council. We are very aware of the enormous challenges that the council is faced with as far as its revenue based is concern, and that in the absence of realistic valuations and revaluation of properties in the city that your revenue based is compromised and challenged, and it is for this reason that the Central Government is forced in the interim to step in and to provide much critical support by way of this equipment and other forms of assistance,” Minister of Communities Ronald Bulkan was quoted as saying by the Department of Public Information (DPI) at the official handing over ceremony, in the compound of the M&CC on Thursday afternoon.