Dear Editor,
Now that Bartica has gained town status the town council needs to encourage certain entities to upgrade their services. The most important of these is the Post Office. This office is situated in a rented cubby hole under the Hotel Modesto with only one overworked clerk, it is sometimes a grievous thing to collect my pittance called old age pension.
The aged often with aching joints and limbs sit or stand sometimes for hours, because the one clerk has not only to pay pension but to handle routine post office business. These transactions are lengthy and long and drawn out, because everything is done by hand. As I sit and wait sometimes impatiently, to uplift my pension I consider that this overworked lady who serves with a smile deserves a good salary. The Post Office Corporation owns land at the corner of Third Avenue and Triangle Street. Why not build a modern office with enough staff for an efficient operation? Rather than sitting on its huge reserves like Ananias sitting on her eggs the corporation should get up and go. Let’s face facts, the Bartica Post Office is providing fifth class service in modern times.
Yours faithfully,
E C Lobert