Dear Editor,
It breaks my heart to know that pedophilia, trafficking and other child sex offences have become a scourge and industry in Guyana and around the world. In Guyana, we have seen many instances where mothers are prostituting their own underage children and where fathers are sexually penetrating their own daughters, and in some cases, even their own sons. I recall a case in the Vreed-en-hoop area, where a corporal from the Guyana Defence Force penetrated his two-year-old stepson. Some stepfathers are also known to take advantage of their stepchildren. Girls are being threatened that if they “tell anyone, they will be killed along with their mother.” There are even many uncles who are involved in pedophilic activities with their nieces and nephews. Children are being sold every day on the dark web around the world to some of the most prominent people in society.
Victims of this kind of abuse usually undergo a series of psychological damage and destruction as they age. Poor self-esteem, eating disorders, intense fear, horror, helplessness, depression, are just some of the many issues our youths are bombarded with. Higher incidences of suicidal attempts, dysfunctional relationships, violence and self-destructive behaviours are becoming even more apparent in these victims.
It is evident that we are in a drastic situation when it comes to pedophilia and child sex abuse, and therefore, we need drastic action. I am therefore supporting chemical castration for good – that is not reversible. If we don’t have the facilities for chemical castration, then we do surgical castration, where there will be no pain, or chopping of the organ.
Chemical castration is a method used to suppress sexual urges. It is already available to some sex offenders, both in prisons and communities worldwide, except Guyana as far as I know. Countries such as Poland, Australia, India, Indonesia and a host of other countries have already implemented this system. A May 2016 issue of The New York Times reported that a number of US states already use chemical castration as part of a range of measures to reduce reoffending. In June 2019, Will Stewart of The Mirror reported that officials in Ukraine approved a law for the use of chemical castration on convicted pedophiles and rapists.
Unlike Indonesia, where chemical castration is a non-optional punishment, Guyana should impose it as an alternative to life imprisonment or the death penalty. The opportunity of going through counseling and guidance may be given to pedophiles and rapists with the understanding that they will be castrated.
It has been found by many countries that have already implemented this system, that imprisonment and behavioural therapy are not particularly effective, as offenders usually repeat their crimes when released back into society. Chemical castration is championed as an effective tool for achieving this. Therefore, I plead with our government to implement this system so that we can save our youths. Help us save our children.
Yours faithfully,
Hajji Dr Roshan Khan
RK’s Guyana Security Services