Paving of Lethem runway expected to start next month

The Lethem Airport, Region Nine (Department of Public Information photo)

Rehabilitation work at the Lethem aerodrome is expected to commence in the next two weeks as a contract was recently awarded for the project.

In July, bids were opened at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board for the rehabilitation of the aerodrome with four companies bidding for the project. It was revealed on Thursday by Minister within the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Jaipaul Sharma, that a contract to the tune of $137 million was awarded to H. Nauth & Sons.

The minister, at the commissioning of a newly constructed taxiway at the Eugene F. Correia International Airport at Ogle, told reporters that previously, concerns were raised about the state of the Lethem airstrip and those at other interior locations. He said that the administration is ensuring that those airstrips are in a good state.